Lal Kitab : An Astrological Marvel

Lal Kitab, originally published in
urdu language, enshrines such effective astrological principles
and remedial measures that it has rightly been termed as The Wonder
Book of Astrology.
The science of palmistry too has been explained in such an exquisite
manner that each of
the 42 divisions of the human brain have been related to the
different houses of a mans birth chart
in such a scientific manner that the sketch of the human brain
reflects accurately on the lines of the
palm. On the basis of these lines of the palm one can draw the
actual horoscope of an individual and
can do the placement of planets in various houses of the birth
chart. The date of birth and the birth
ascendant can be found out by reading the lines and mounts of the
palm, which means that an
individuals accurate birth chart can be drawn by seeing the lines of
his palm. Similarly, by studying
the different aspects of a mans residential house his birth chart
can be accurately prepared on the
basis of the sutras explained in the Lal Kitab.
In addition to the above, Lal Kitab has announced unique remedial
measures to solve chronic and
critical human problems in day to day life.These measures do not
require the practice of ordeals,
yagnas, havans and other complicated and expensive rituals, which
prove more troublesome for
persons who are already in trouble because of the evil effects of
certain planets. These measures are
again different from Yantras, Mantras and Tantras, which give
various adverse effects if not followed
rigorously in all their minute details. The measures suggested in
Lal Kitab are electrically
effective in solving all kinds of human troubles and tensions,
without inflicting harm on anybody
i.e. these remedies are completely self defensive against the evils
created by the planets without
causing injury in anyway to anyone concerned.
The first part of this great treatise contains the principles and
Sutras for interpretation of horoscope,
termed as Vyakaran. The birth chart of an individual is prepared
like the traditional Parashar
principles, but the only important difference is that the Rashis are
not considered or taken
into account for predictive astrology and, therefore, the digits
indicating the Rashis in a traditional
birth chart are scrapped. Secondly, for predictive purposes the
ascendant is treated as
the first house and it is regarded as the house of the first Rashi,
i.e., Aries and counting progressively
in a sequence upto the 12th house being that of Pisces.The specific
principles of predictive
astrology as per Lal Kitab are better summed up here as follows
1. The Sun as lord of the 5th, the Mercury as lord of the 3rd and
6th, the Jupiter as lord of the 9th
and the Saturn as lord of the 10th are directly or indirectly in
some form or the other are the Karakas
of the father and his property. But the Jupiter and the Sun, Jupiter
and Mercury or Jupiter and Saturn
occupying any house jointly carry no relevance to the knowledge
about father or fathers property
at all. Even Mercury and Sun, Mercury and Saturn or Sun and Saturn
also sitting together behave in
the same manner.
2. If two or more inimical planets are occupying a single house,
they will not behave as enemies.
But it does not mean that they do not affect the influences of each
other and show their own results
of being in that house independently i.e. their conjuction does not
affect their individual results.
3. Friendly planets together occupying a house become extremely
friendly and help each other in
producing good and auspicious results.
4. The 7th house is regarded as the Pucca Ghar (permanent house) of
Mercury. If Mercury is placed
in the 7th house of a horoscope, even the powerful planets like Sun,
Mars, Jupiter and Saturn
occupying a Kendra, 2nd or 11th house can not affect the health of
the native adversely.
5. If a female planet is placed in any house along with Saturn and
both are being aspected by any
other planet, then the aspecting planet will become afflicted and
affect adversely the persons and
relatives of such aspecting planet as Karakas.
6. In general, all planets in their Pucca Ghar, own house or
exalted house give good results. A
planet in inimical house or in a house of debilitation gives bad
results. If a planet is not placed in his
Pucca Ghar and the same is occupied by a planet inimical to such
planet, then that planet will
destroy the good results of the house in which he stands placed.
7. While examining a horoscope, the 1st, 7th, 8th and 11th houses
must be examined together as
they are mutually interested. The planets in the ascendant is
treated as a ruler and the one in the 7th
acts as his minister. The planet in the 8th is the eye of that
ruler, whereas the planet in the 11th house
is the rulers foot.
More planets in the 7th house than the 1st house shows that the
ruler does not have required control
over his minister. If the planets in the 11th house are inimical to
the planets in the first house, then
they will not obey the command of the ruler i.e., the results of the
11th house will be adversely
The planets of the 8th house (eyes) guide the planets of the 7th
house (minister) and control their
actions and effects. If the planets of the 1st and 8th houses are
friendly, then the planet in the 7th
house can not play any mischief.
Mars in the 7th is considered to be highly conducive for gaining
large property. But if mercury is in
the Lagna, it will destroy the properties. It will be destroyed
because of the foolishness of the
native, because here the Mercury being in the first house is Karaka
of the native. At the same time
if the Mercury is in the 8th house, it will again destroy the
properties, but here the reasons for
destination will be unknown and invisible, because the active
elements of the 8th house are always
secretive and mysterious in nature over which the native has no
Similarly, if the planets of the 1st and 11th houses destination are
friendly, they will control the
planets of the 7th house. If they are inimical, the results would be
The planets of the 1st house aspect the planets of the 7th house. If
they are mutually inimical, then
the bad results accrue because of the foolishness or unworthiness of
the native. The planets of the
8th house aspect the planets of the 2nd house and thereby affect
their results.
8. 2nd, 6th, 8th, 12th and 11th houses must also be examined
simaltaneouosly as follows :
(a) The planets of the 8th house aspect the 2nd house and thereby
affect the results of the 2nd
house. The effects of the aspects of the planets of the 8th house
over the 2nd house are affected by
the planets of the 11th house - favourably if friendly and
unfavourably if inimical.
(b) The planets of the 2nd house aspect the 6th house and affects
its results. The planets of the 6th
and 8th houses have secret relations with each other, because of
which they also affect the planets
of the 2nd house (+++).
(c) The 12th house also affects the 2nd house (+++). If there are
evil planets in the 6th and 8th
houses, (because of their secret/implied conjunction) their evil
power increases 10 times.
(d) If the planets in the 12th and 8th houses are inimical, the
native should not visit temples and
other places of worship.
9. The 3rd, 11th, 5th, 9th and 10th houses must also be examined
simaltaneously as follows :
(a) If there is any planet in the 3rd house, it will start showing
effects after the birth of the natives
younger brother. If the 9th and 5th houses are occupied by Saturn
Rahu or Ketu then the unfavourable
changes start coming up in the natives life just after the birth of
the child.
(b) If there are good planets in the 9th house and there is no
planet in the 2nd house, the native
remains deprived of all the benefits.
(c) If there is no planet in the 4th house, or it is occupied by
Rahu, Ketu or Saturn, then the good
results of the 10th house will not be received by the native. If
10th and 2nd houses are empty, the
good results of the 4th house will go waste.
(d) If the 3rd and 9th houses are bad, the 5th will also prove bad.
(e) If the 9th is occupied by Sun or Moon, the 5th house will give
good results.
(f) If the 9th is occupied by Sun or Moon, then Rahu or Ketu in the
5th will neither affect the issues
of the native or the native himself adversely.
(g) If Rahu or Ketu be placed in the 5th and there are inimical
planets in the 8th then strokes of
misfortune will hit the native through the 11th house. The relatives
indicated by the planets of the
5th and 8th houses will also be affected. In this situation the
earnings of the native will also be
affected very adversely, if the 2nd house is empty. Nothing will be
able to save the native. Now the
planets of the 10th and 5th will also turn to be malefics whatever
be their natural charecter.
2. Sun : Effects and Remedies
The second chapter of Lal Kitab, termed as the wonder Book of
Astrology, details
the effects of Sun in various houses alongwith the remedies.
The sun, eulogised by the author of the Lal Kitab as Vishnu, the
lord of presentation, is the father of
our solar system, around which all planets resulve. The power of
light in the sky, the temperature of
the earth, the power of presentation and progress are represented by
the sun. His presence means
the day and absence means the night. The soul in human body and the
power of rendering
bodily services to others have also been referred to the Sun - a
royal planet of power, authority and
The Sun provides good results if placed in houses 1 to 5,8,9,11 and
12. The 6th, 7th, and 10th are
bad houses for the Sun. The Moon, the Jupiter and the Mars are the
planets friendly to the Sun,
where the Saturn, Venus, Rahu and Ketu are enemies. The first is the
Puccka Ghar, the permanent
house and the house of exaltation of the Sun, whereas the 7th house
is in the house of debilitation.
The Mars in the 6th and Ketu in the Ist house make the Sun produce
results of an exalted planet. If
the Sun is exalted or placed in an auspicious house of a persons
horoscope he is bound to rise
higher and higher in power and position. If obstacles are created
against him by a person that person
is bound to meet his doom. Much better results are proposed if the
Sun is in conjunction with
The Sun gives adverse effects on the things associated with the
house in which he is placed. Consequently
in the Ist house he will create health problems for the native. In
the 2nd house he will affect
the family and its comforts absolutely adversely.
The sun in the 6th house will not prove good for the sisters and
daughters of the native. In the 7th he
will face obstacles in the comforts of the wife. The Sun of the 8th
house will saue the native from
death in critical situations.
The sun of the 9th house will destroy the comforts of the
forefathers and perhaps deprive the native
of their properties. In the 10th, the sun will affect the father
adversely. The sun in the 11th increases
and multiplies the income of the native manifold, if he does not
augment the power of Saturn by
cosumption of liquor, meat and eggs. The Sun in the 12th house
destroys the comforts of the night
hour sleep of the native.
The Sun will not be able to harm Venus when sun is being aspected by
Saturn because Saturn and Venus are great
friends. On the contrary, if Saturn is being aspected by Sun, then
the Sun will not be afraid of Saturn and he
will destroy the Venus as both are natural enemies in the house
where he is placed.
The effects of the Sun in both the situations in different houses
are as below :
Sun in Ist House
Benefic :
(1) The native will be fond of constructing religious buildings and
digging of wells for public
purposes. He will have permanent source of livelihood- more from the
government. Money earned
from honest sources will keep multiplying. He will believe only his
eyes, not in ears.
Malefic :
The natives father may die in early childhood. Having sex in the day
time will make the wife
constantly ill and have infection of tuberclosis if Venus is placed
in the 7th house. Malefic sun in
the 1st house and Mars in the 5th house will cause the death of
sons, one after the other. Similarly,
the malefic Sun in the Ist house and Saturn in the 8th house will
cause the death of wives, one after
the other. If there is no planet in the 7th house the marriage
before 24th year will prove lucky for the
native, otherwise the 24th year of the native would prove highly
disastrous for him
Remedial Measures :
(1) Marry before 24th year of life.
(2) Dont have sex with wife during the day time.
(3) Install a hand pump for water in your ancestral house.
(4) Construct small dark room in the left side at the end of your
(5) Either of the spouse must stop eating GUR i.e. jaggery.
Sun in 2nd house
Benefic :
(1) The native will be self-dependent, skilled in handiwork and
would prove highly helpful to
parents, maternal uncles, sisters, daughters and in-laws.
(2) The Sun in the 2nd will become more auspicious if the Moon is
placed in the 6th house.
(3) Ketu in the 8th house will make the native very truthful.
(4) Rahu in the 9th house makes the native a renowned artist or a
(5) Ketu in the 9th house makes him a great technician.
(6) Mars in the 9th house makes him fashionable.
(7) The generous nature of the native would put an end to growing
Malefic :
(1) The Sun will affect very adversely the things and relatives
associated with the planets inimical
to the Sun i.e., wife, wealth, widows, cows, taste, mother etc.
Disputes regarding wealth property
and wife will spoil the native.
(2) Never accept donations if the Moon is placed in the 8th house
and the Sun in the 2nd house is
not auspicious; otherwise the native will be destroyed altogether.
(3) The Sun in the 2nd house, Mars in the 1st and Moon in the 12th
house make the natives
condition critical and pathetic in every manner.
(4) Mars in the 8th house makes the native extremely greedy if the
Sun in the 2nd house is inauspicious.
Remedial Measures :
(1) Donate coconut, mustard oil and almonds to religious places of
(2) Manage to avoid disputes involving wealth, property and ladies.
(3) Avoid accepting donations, specially rice, silver and milk.
Sun in 3rd House
Benefic :
(1) The native will be rich, self-dependant and having younger
(2) He will be blessed with divine grace and will earn profits
intellectual by pursuits.
(3) He will be interested in astrology and mathematics.
Melefic :
(1) If the Sun is not auspicious in the 3rd house and the Moon is
also not auspicious in the horoscope,
there will be daylight robbery or theft in the natives house.
(2) If the 9th house is afflicted, the forefathers would have been
poor. If the 1st house is afflicted,
the neighbours of the native will be destroyed.
Remedial Measures :
(1) Obtain blessings of the mother by keeping her happy.
(2) Serve others with rice or milk.
(3) Practice good conduct and avoid evil deeds.
Sun in 4th House -
Benefic :
(1) The native will be wise, kind and a good administrator. He will
have constant source of income.
He will leave a legacy of great riches for his offsprings after
(2) If the Moon is with the Sun in the 4th house, the native will
earn great profit through certain new
(3) The Mercury in the 10th or 4th house will make such a native a
renowned trader.
(4) If Jupiter is also with the Sun in the 4th house, the native
will make good profits through gold
and silver trade.
Malefic :
(1) The native becomes greedy, inclined to commit theft and likes to
harm others. This tendency
ultimately produces very bad results.
(2) If the Saturn is placed in the 7th house he becomes victimised
by night blindness.
(3) If the Sun is inauspicious in the 7th house and mars is placed
in the 10th house, the natives eye
will become seriously defective, but his fortunes will not dwindle.
(4) The native will become impotent if the Sun in the 4th is
inauspicious and the Moon is placed in
the 1st or 2nd house, the Venus is in the 5th and Saturn is in the
7th house.
Remedial Measures :
(1) Distribute alms and food to the needy people.
(2) Do not take up business associated with iron and wood.
(3) Business associated with gold, silver, cloth will give very good
Sun in 5th house
Benefic :
(1) The progress and prosperity of family and children will be
assured. If the Mars is placed in the
1st or 8th house and Rahu, Ketu, Saturn are placed in 9th and 12th
houses, the native will lead
kings life.
(2) If in 5th house placed with any planet inimical to sun, the
native will be bestowed hour by the
government everywhere.
(3) If Jupiter is placed in 9th or 12th house, the enemies will be
destroyed, but this position will not
be good for children of the native.
Malefic :
(1) If the Sun in the 5th is inauspicious and Jupiter is in 10th,
the wife of the native will die and
wives in subsequent marriages will also die
(2) If the sun in the 5th house is inauspicious and Saturn is placed
in 3rd, sous of the native will die.
Remedial Measures :
(1) Do not delay in having a child.
(2) Build your kitchen in the eastern portion of your house.
(3) Drop a lit the quantity of mustard oil on the ground continously
for 43 days.
Sun in 6th House
Benefic :
(1) Native will be lucky, prone to anger, will have beautiful spouse
and will benefit from that
(2) If Sun is in the 6th house and Moon, Mars and Jupiter in the 2nd
house, following tradition will
be beneficial.
(3) If sun is in 6th house and Ketu in 1st or 7th house then the
native will have a son and after the
48th year great fortune will follow.
Malefic :
(1) The natives son and maternal family will face bad times. Will
also affect native health adversely.
(2) If there is a no planet in the 2nd house, the native will get a
government job in the 22nd year of
his life.
(3) If Mars is placed in the 10th house the natives sons will die
one after the other.
(4) Mercury in the 12th house causes high blood pressure.
Remedial Measures :
(1) Ancestral customs and ritu als should be strictly followed;
otherwise the family progress and
happiness will be destroyed.
(2) Underground furnaces should not be constructed with in the
premises of the house.
(3) After taking dinner blow off the fire of the kitchen stove by
sprinkling milk over it.
(4) Always keep Gangajal in the premises of your house.
(5) Offer wheat or Gur to monkeys.
Sun in 7th House
Benefic :
(1) If Jupiter, Mars or Moon are placed in the 2nd house, the native
will occupy a ministerial
position in the government.
(2) If the Mercury is exalted or Mercury in the 5th or 7th house is
aspected by Mars, the native will
have unending sources of income.
Malefic :
(1) If the Sun is inauspicious in the 7th house and Jupiter, venus
or any malefic planet is placed in
the 11th house and Mercury is malefic in any other house, the native
will encounter the death of
several members of his family together. Obstacles from the
government, diseases like tuberclosis
and asthma will vicitimise the native. Incidents of fire,
emberlement and other family troubles will
madden the native who may go to the extent of becoming a recluse or
commiting suicide.
(2) Malefic Sun in the 7th and Mars or Saturn in the 2nd or 12th
house and Moon in the 1st house
cause leprosy or lucoderma.
Remedial Measures :
(1) Lessen the amount of salt intake.
(2) Start any work after taking a little sweet with water.
(3) Offer a little piece of your chapati to the fire of the kitchen
before taking your meals.
(4) Serving and rearing up a black cow or a cow without horns, but
make sure that the cow is not
Sun in 8th House
Benefic :
(1) Government favours will accrue from the 22nd year of life.
(2) Here the Sun makes the native truthful, saintly and king like.
Nobody would be able to harm
Malefic :
(1) Mercury in the 2nd house will create economic crisis.
(2) Native will be short tempered, impatient & will have ill health.
Remedial Measures :
(1) Never keep a white cloth in the house.
(2) Never live in the house facing south.
(3) Always eat something sweet and drink water before starting any
new work.
(4) Throw copper coins in a burning pyre (Chita) whenever possible.
(5) Throw Gur (jaggery) in running water.
Sun in 9th House
Benefic :
(1) Native will be lucky, good natured will have good family life
and will always help others.
(2) If Mercury is in the 5th house, the native will have fortune
after 34 years.
Malefic :
(1) Native will be evil and troubled by his brothers.
(2) Disfavour from government and loss of reputation.
Remedial Measures :
(1) Never accept articles of silver as gifts or donation. Donate
silver articles frequently.
(2) Ancestral pots and utensils of brass must be used and not sold.
(3) Avoid extreme anger and extreme softness.
Sun in 10th House
Benefic :
(1) Benefits and favours from government, good health and
financially stronger.
(2) The native will get a government job and comforts of vehicles
and servants.
(3) The native will always be suspicious about others.
Malefic :
(1) If the Sun is in the 4th house, the natives father will die in
his childhood.
(2) If the Sun is in the 10th house and moon is in the 5th house the
native will have a very short life.
(3) If the 4th house is without any planet, the native will be
deprived of government favours and
Remedial Measures :
(1) Never wear blue or black clothes.
(2) Throwing a copper coin in a river or canal for 43 years will be
highly beneficial.
(3) Abstain from liquor and meat.
Sun in 11th House
Benefic :
(1) If the native is vegetarian he will have three sons and will
himself be head of the house and will
get benefits from government.
Malefic :
(1) The Moon is in the 5th house and the Sun is not aspected by good
planets, the will have a short
life span.
Remedial Measures :
(1) Abstain from meat and wine.
(2) Keep almonds or radishes near the head of the bed and offer it
in the temple next day for long
life and children.
12th House
Benefic :
(1) If Ketu in the 2nd house the native will earn wealth after 24
years and will have good family life.
(2) If Venus and Mercury are together their then one will benefit
from business and the native will
always have steady source of income.
Malefic :
Native will suffer from depression, financial loss from machineries
and will be punished by the
If the other evil planet is in the 1st house, the native will not be
able to sleep peacefully at night.
Remedial Measures :
(1) Native should always have a courtyard in his house.
(2) One should be religious and truthful.
(3) Keep a Chakki in the house.
(4) Always forgive your enemies.
3. Moon : Effects and Remedies
As explained in the preceding issue, the Sun is regarded as the
generator of power
that gives spirit and life to all planets, the Moon is considered to
be the conductor
of power lent by Sun and rules over the lives of the beings on this
earth. Sun
represents individuality, whereas Moon shows ones personality.
Moon governs over impregnation, conception, birth of a child and the
animal instinct. She represents
mother, mothers family, grandmother, old women, horse, navigation,
agricultural land, Lord
Shiva, love, kindness, mental peace, heart, services rendered for
others welfare and the 4th house.
The Moons effect comes up in the 16th, 51st and 86th year of the
native and similarly its 1st cycle
falls in the 24th year, the 2nd in the 49th year and the 3rd cycle
falls in the 94th year of the native.
The Jupiter, Sun and Mars are Moons friends, whereas Saturn, Rahu
and Ketu are inimical to her.
For her protection, the Moon sacrifies her friendly planets - Sun,
Mars or Jupiter. Moon is the Lord
of 4th house, stands exalted in the 2nd house of Taurus and becomes
debilitated in the 8th house of
Scorpio. The Moon provides very good results if placed in houses 1,
2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 9 whereas the
6th, 8th, 10th, 11th and 12th houses are bad for the Moon. The death
of a domestic milch animal or
a horse, drying up of a persons well or pond, the loss of the senses
of touching and feeling are the
signs of moon turning malefic.
The placement of the Ketu in the 4th house causes Matri Rina i.e.
mothers debt. In such a situation
pieces of silver of equal weight and size be collected from every
member of the family and the same
should be thrown together into the running water of a river.
Consequently all the ill effects would be
warded off.
Moon in Ist House
In general, the 1st house belongs to Mars and Sun. When the moon is
also placed therein, this house
will come under the combined influences of the Mars, the Sun and the
Moon i.e. all the 3 mutual
friends will be treated as occupants of this house. The Sun and Mars
will extend all friendly support
to their natural friend Moon placed on the throne i.e. the ascendant
Such native will be soft-hearted and will inherit all the traits and
qualities of his mother. He will be
either the eldest brother or will certainly be treated so. As long
as the native receives the blessings
of his mother and keeps her happy, he will continue to rise and
prosper in every way.
The things and the relatives as represented by Mercury, who is
inimical to Moon, will prove harmful
to the native, e.g., the sister-in-law and the green color will
affect adversely. Hence it is better to
keep away from them.
Burning milk (for making Khoya) or selling milk for profit would
reduce or minimize the power of
the Moon placed in the 1st house, which means that the natives life
and property would be destroyed
if he engages himself in such activities. Such a native should serve
others with water and
milk freely for long life and all round prosperity. Such a native
will get a life of about 90 years and
will be bestowed with honours and fame by the Govt.
1. Do not marry between the age of 24 and 27 years, i.e., marry
either before 24 years of age or
after 27 years of age.
2. Do not build a house out of your earnings between 24 and 27 years
of age.
3. Keep away from the green colour and sister-in-law. Do not keep a
silver pot or kettle with a
snout (Toti) in it in the house.
4. Offer water to the roots of a Banyan tree whenever you can
5. Insert copper nails on the four corners of your bed.
6. Whenever crossing a river, always throw coins in it for the
welfare of your children.
7. Always keep a silver Thali in your house.
8. Use Silver pots for drinking water or milk and avoid the use of
glassware for the same.
Moon in 2nd House
The results of the 2nd house, when Moon is placed therein, will be
influenced by Jupiter, Venus and
the Moon, because this is the Puckka Ghar, the permanent house of
Jupiter and Venus is the lord of
the second Rashi Taurus. The Moon gives very good results in this
house, as it becomes very strong
here because of the friendly support of Jupiter against Venus.
Such a native may not have sisters, but will certainly be having
brothers. In case he doesnt have,
his wife will certainly have brothers. He will certainly receive his
due share in parental properties.
Whatever be the planetary position otherwise, but the Moon here will
ensure male offspring to the
The native will receive good education, which will add to his
fortune. The Business associated with
the things of the Moon will prove highly advantageous. He may be a
reputed teacher also.
The Ketu placed in the 12th house will cause eclipse of the Moon
here, which will deprive the
native either of good education or of male children.
1. Temple within the natives house may deprive the native of male
2. The things associated with the Moon, i.e., silver, rice,
non-cemented floor of the house, the
mother and old women and their blessings will prove very lucky for
the native.
3. Offering green colour clothes to small girls continuously for 43
4. Place the things associated with the Moon into the foundation of
your house, e.g., a square
piece of silver.
Moon in 3rd House
The results of the 3rd house, when the Moon is placed therein, will
be influenced by the Mars,
Mercury and Moon. Here the Moon proves highly beneficial to ensure a
long life and great wealth
or riches for the native.
If there are no planets in the 9th and 11th houses, then Mars and
Venus will give good results to the
native because of the Moon being in the 3rd house.
With the advancement of the natives education and learning, the
economic condition of his father
will deteriorate, but without affecting his education adversely. If
Ketus placing in the horoscope is
auspicious and not harming the Moon in the 3rd, the education of the
native will bear good fruits
and prove advantageous in every manner.
If the Moon is malefic, it will cause great loss of wealth and money
at the age of the malefic planet
placed in the 9th house.
1. Offer in donation the things associated with the Moon, e.g.,
silver or rice, after the birth of a
daughter and the things associated with the Sun e.g., wheat and
jaggery when a son is born.
2. Do not make use of your daughters money and wealth.
3. To avoid the evil effects of a malefic planet in the 8th house,
serve the guests and others by
offering them milk and water freely.
4. Worshipping Goddess Durga and obtaining the blessings of small
girls by touching their feet
after serving them food and sweets.
Moon in 4th House
The results of the 4th house are the general product of the total
influences of Moon, the lord of the
4th Rashi Cancer and the permanent resident of the 4th house. Here
the Moon becomes very strong
and powerful in every manner.
The use of, and association with the things represented by the Moon
will prove highly beneficial to
the native. Offer milk in place of water to the guests. Obtain
blessings of your mother or the elderly
women by touching their feet. The 4th house is the river of income
which will continue to increase
expenditure. In other words, expenditure will augment income.
The native will be a reputed and honoured person with soft heart and
all sorts of riches. He will
inherit all the traits and qualities of his mother and will face the
problems of life boldly like a lion.
He will receive honour and favours from the government along with
riches and will provide peace
and shelter to others.
Good education will be ensured for the native. If Jupiter is placed
in the 6th house and Moon in the
4th, parental profession will suit him. If a person has mortgaged
certain valuables to the native, he
will never come back to demand it.
If Moon be placed with 4 planets in the 4th house, the native will
be economically very strong and
wealthy. The male planets will help the native like sons and the
female planets like daughters.
1. Selling of milk for profit and burning of milk for making Khoya,
etc., will have a very adverse
effects on income, life span and mental peace.
2. Adultery and flirtation will be seriously detrimental to the
natives reputation and prospects of
wealth gains.
3. The more the expenses, the more the income.
4. Before beginning any auspicious or new work, place a pitcher or
any container filled with milk
in the house.
5. For warding off the evil generated by the Jupiter placed in the
10th house, the native should
visit places of worship along with his grandfather and offer their
oblations by placing their
forehead at the feet of the deity.
Moon in 5th House
The results of the 5th house, when the Moon is placed therein, will
be influenced by the Sun, the
Ketu and the Moon. The native will adopt just and right means to
earn wealth and will not yield to
wrong doing. He may not do well in business but certainly receive
favours and honours from the
government. Anyone supported by him will win.
The Moon in the 5th house will give 5 sons if the Ketu is well
placed and benefic even if the Moon
is joined by malefic planets. By his education and learning the
native will undertake several measures
for others welfare, but the others will not do good to him.
Further, the native will be destroyed if he becomes greedy and
selfish. If he fails to keep his plans a
secret, his own men will damage him seriously.
1. Keep control over your tongue. Never use abusive language to ward
off troubles.
2. Avoid becoming greedy and over selfish.
3. Deceit and dishonesty towards others will affect you adversely.
4. Acting upon the advice of another person before trying to harm
anybody will ensure very good
results and a life of about 100 years.
5. Public service will enhance income and reputation of the native.
Moon in 6th House
This house is affected by the Mercury and Ketu. The Moon in this
house will be affected by the
planets placed in the 2nd, 8th, 12th and 4th houses. The native will
receive education with obstacles
and will have to struggle a lot for reaping the benefits of his
educational achievements.
If the Moon is placed in the 6th, 2nd, 4th, 8th and 12th houses it
is auspicious. The native would
enliven a dying person by putting a few drops of water in his mouth.
But if the Moon is malefic in the 6th house and Mercury is placed in
the 2nd or 12th house, the
native will have suicidal tendencies. Similarly, if the Moon is
malefic and the Sun is placed in the
12th house, then the native or his wife or both will have severe eye
defects and troubles.
1. Serve milk to your father with your own hands.
2. Never take milk during night. But intake of milk during day time
and use of even curd and
cheese during night is permissible.
3. Do not offer milk as donation. It can be given only at religious
places of worship.
4. Digging of wells for public will destroy the issues, but digging
of wells in a hospital or within
the premises of cremation ground will not be harmful.
Moon in 7th house
The 7th house belongs to Venus and Mercury. When the Moon is placed
here, the results of this
house will be affected by the Venus, Mercury and Moon. Venus and
Mercury combined together
give the effects of the Sun. The 1st house aspects the 7th house.
Consequently the rays of the Sun
from the 1st house would be enlightening the Moon if placed in the
7th, which means that the things
and the relatives represented by the Moon will provide highly
beneficial and good results.
Educational achievements will prove fruitful for earning money or
wealth. He may or may not have
properties but will certainly have cash money in hand always. He
will have good potential for being
a poet or astrologer, or else he will be characterless and will have
great love for mysticism and
The 7th Moon also denotes conflict between the natives wife and
mother, adverse effects in milk
trade. Disobedience towards mother will cause overall tensions and
1. Avoid marriage in the 24th year of your life.
2. Always your mother keep happy.
3. Never sell milk or water for profit.
4. Do not burn milk for making Khoya.
5. Ensure that in marriage your wife brings silver and rice with her
from her parents, equal to her
Moon in 8th House
This house belongs to Mars and Saturn. The Moon here affects the
education of the native adversely,
but if education goes well the natives mothers life will be
shortened and very often such
a native loses both -education and the mother. However, the evil
effects of the Moon in the 7th
house will be mitigated if Jupiter and Saturn be placed in the 2nd
The 7th Moon often deprives the native of his parental properties.
If there is a well or pond adjacent
to the parental property of the native, he will receive adverse
results of the Moon all through his
1. Avoid gambling and flirting.
2. Perform Shraddha ceremony for to your ancestors.
3. Do not build any house after covering a well with roof.
4. Obtain blessings of the old men and children by touching their
5. Bring water from the well or water tap situated within the
boundaries of a cremation ground
and place it within your house. It will ward off all the evils
generated by the Moon in the 7th
6. Offer gram and pulse in places of worship.
Moon in 9th House
The 9th house belongs to Jupiter, who is a great friend of the Moon.
Hence the native will imbibe
the traits and features of both these planets - good conduct, soft
heartedness, religious bent of mind
and love for virtuous acts and pilgrimage. He will live upto 75
years. A friendly planet in the 5th
house will augment comforts and pleasures from the son and develops
intense interest in religious
deeds. A friendly planet in the 3rd house ensures great increase in
money and wealth.
1. Install the things associated with the Moon within the house,
e.g., place a square piece of silver
in the almirah.
2. Serve the labourers with milk.
3. Offer milk to snakes and rice to fish.
Moon in 10th House
The 10th house is in every manner ruled by Saturn. This house is
aspected by the 4th house, which
is similarly ruled by Moon. Hence the Moon in the 10th house ensures
a long life of about 90 years
for the native. Moon and Saturn are inimical, therefore, medicines
in liquid form will always prove
harmful to him. The milk will act as poison if taken during night.
If he is a medical practitioner, dry
medicines administered by him to the patient will have a magical
effect for cure. If a surgeon, he
will earn great wealth and fame for surgery. If the 2nd and 4th
houses are empty money and wealth
will rain on him.
If Saturn is placed in the 1st house, the natives life will be
destroyed by the opposite sex, especially
a widow.
The things and business represented by Saturn will prove beneficial
for the native.
1. Visits to religious places of worship will enhance the fortune of
the native.
2. Store the natural water of rain or the river in a container and
keep it within your house for 15
years. It will wash off the poisons and evil effects generated by
the Moon in the 10th house.
3. Avoid taking milk during night.
4. Milch animals can neither live long in your house nor will they
prove beneficial or auspicious.
5. Abstain from wine, meat and adultery.
Moon in 11th house
This house is strongly influenced by Jupiter and Saturn. Every
planet placed in this house will
destroy its inimical planets and the things associated with them. In
this way the Moon here will
destroy its enemy Ketus things, i.e., the sons of the native. Here
the Moon will have to face the
combined power of its enemies Saturn and Ketu, which will weaken the
Moon. Now if Ketu is
placed in the 4th house, the life of the natives mother will be
endangered. The business associated
with Mercury will also prove harmful. Starting house construction or
purchase of a house on Saturdays
will strengthen the Saturn (the Moons enemy) which will prove
disastrous for the native.
Kanyadan after the midnight and participating in any marriage
ceremony on Fridays will damage
the fortunes of the native.
1. Offer milk in Bhairo Mandir and donate milk to others liberally.
2. Ensure that the grandmother does not see her grandson.
3. Heat up a piece of gold in fire and put it in a glass of milk
before drinking it.
4. Throw 125 pieces of sweet (Peda) in a river.
Moon in 12th house
This house belongs to Moons friend Jupiter. Here the Moon will have
good effects on Mars and the
things associated with Mars, but it will harm its enemies Mercury
and Ketu and the things associated
with them. Hence the business and things associated with the house
in which Mars is placed
will provide highly beneficial effects. Similarly, the business and
things associated with the houses
where Mercury and Ketu are placed will be strongly damaged. The Moon
in the 12th houses causes
a general fear in the natives mind about numerous unforeseen
troubles and dangers and thus destroys
his sleep and peace of mind. Ketu in the 4th house will become weak
and affect the natives
son and mother very adversely.
1. Wearing Gold in ears, drinking milk after inserting hot piece of
gold in it and visiting religious
places of worship will ward off the evils of the Moon in 12th house
and also that of the Ketu in
the 4th house.
2. Never offer milk and food to religious saints/sadhus.
3. Do not open a school, college or any other educational institute
and do not help children in
obtaining free of cost education.
4. Mars : Effects And Remedies
Mars is a dry, red and fiery planet. Masculine by nature it
signifies energy,
both constructive and destructive depending upon his position as
Mars positive
and Mars negative. If Sun and Mercury are placed together in one
Mars would be positive but if Saturn and Sun are placed in one house
becomes negative.
Mars acts on the extremes - either soft like a wax or hard like a
stone. The Sun, Moon and Jupiter
are his friends, whereas Mercury and Ketu are his enemies. Rahu and
Saturn are neutral to Mars.
The first cycle of Mars runs between the ages 28 and 33, the 2nd
between 63 and 68 years and the
3rd between 98 and 103 years. The 1st and 8th houses are the own
houses of Mars and he gets
exalted in the 10th house of his debilitation. Mars acts as a
malefic in the 4th and 8th houses, but he
is benefic if placed in the 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11 and 12th
Mars is the significator of sex, brothers, land and property and
rules over the animal instincts in
man. A benefic Mars offers self confidence, sharp wit, faculty of
argumentation and adventurous
spirit, strong determination and qualities of leadership in all
human pursuits. On the contrary, a
weak and afflicted Mars makes the native lose temper quickly, fool
hardy, quarrelsome and brutal.
Such a Mars makes the native a sexual pervert.
The general effects and remedial measures of Mars according to Lal
Kitab can be delineated as
follows :
Mars in Ist House
Mars in the 1st house makes the native good natured, truthful and
richer from the 28th year of age.
He wins favours from the government and victory against the enemies
without much effort. He
earns large profits from the business associated with Saturn i.e.,
iron, wood, machinery etc. and the
relatives represented by Saturn i.e., nephews, grandsons, uncles
Spontaneous curses from the mouth of such a native will never go
waste. Association of Saturn
with Mars provides physical trouble to the native.
1. Avoid the acceptance of things free of cost or in charity.
2. Avoid evil deeds and telling lies.
3. Association with saints and Faqirs will prove very harmful.
4. Things of ivory will give very adverse effects. Avoid them.
Mars in 2nd House
The native with Mars in the 2nd house is generally the eldest issue
of his parents, or else he or she
would always like to be treated so. But living and behaving like a
younger brother would prove
highly beneficial and ward off several evils automatically. Mars in
this house provides great wealth
and properties from the in-laws family. Mars negative here makes the
native a snake in disguise for
others and causes his death in war or quarrels.
Mars with Mercury in the 2nd house weakens the will power and
undermines the importance of the
1. The business associated with Moon, e.g., trade in cloth, will
provide great prosperity, hence
strengthen Moon.
2. Ensure that your in-laws make arrangements for providing drinking
water facilities to the common
3. Keep deer skin in the house.
Mars in 3rd House
The 3rd house is affected by Mars and Mercury, who provide brothers
and sisters to the native i.e.,
he will not be the only issue of his parents. Others will be highly
benefited from the native, but he
will not be able to receive benefit from others. Humbleness will
bring rewards. In-laws will become
richer and richer after the natives marriage. The native believes in
the principle eat, drink and be
merry and suffers from blood disorders.
1. Be soft hearted and avoid arrogance. Be good to brothers for
2. Keep articles of ivory with you .
3. Put on silver ring in the left hand.
Mars in 4th House
The 4th house is overall the property of Moon. The fire and heat of
Mars in this house burns the
cold water of Moon i.e., the properties of the Moon are adversely
affected. The native loses peace
of mind and suffers from jealousy to others. He always misbehaves
with his younger brothers. The
natives evil mission gets strong destructive powers. Such a native
affects the life of his mother,
wife, mother-in-law etc very adversely. His anger becomes the cause
of his overall destruction in
various aspects of life.
1. Offer sweet milk to the roots of a banyan tree and put that wet
soil on your navel.
2. To avoid havoc from fire, place empty bags of sugar on the roof
of your house, shop or factory.
3. Always keep a square piece of silver with you.
4. Keep away from black, one-eyed or disabled person.
Mars in 5th House
The 5th house belongs to the Sun, who is a natural friend of Mars.
Hence Mars ensures very good
results in this house. The sons of the native become instruments of
wealth and fame for him. His
prosperity increases manifold after the birth of sons. The things
and relatives represented by Venus
and Moon will prove beneficial in every manner. Someone of his
forefathers must have been a
doctor or Vaidya.
The prosperity of the native will continue to grow more and more
with the growth in age. But
romance and emotional affairs with the opposite sex will prove
highly disastrous for the native,
which will destroy his mental peace and night sleep too.
1. Maintain a good moral character.
2. Keep water in a pot below the head side of your bed at night and
drop it in a flower pot in the
3. Offer Shradha to your ancestors and plant a Neem tree in the
Mars in 6th House
This house belongs to Mercury and Ketu. Both are mutual enemies and
inimical to Mars also.
Hence Mars in this house will keep himself away from both. The
native will be courageous, adventurous,
lover of justice and powerful enough to set fire into water. He will
be highly benefited by the
trade and business associated with Mercury. His pen will wield more
power than the sword. If Sun,
Saturn and Mars are placed together in one house, the brothers,
mother, sisters and wife will be
affected very adversely.
1. Distribute salt in place of sweets on the birth of a male child.
2. His brothers should keep the native happy by offering him
something or the other for their
protection and prosperity. But if he does not accept such things,
the same should be thrown in
3. The male children of the native should not wear gold.
4. Adopt remedies of Saturn for family comfort. Worship Ganeshji for
parents health and destruction
of enemies.
Mars in 7th House
This house belongs to the influences of Venus and Mercury, who
combined together provide the
effect of Sun. If Mars is placed therein, the 7th house will be
affected by Sun and Mars both, which
ensures that the natives ambition will be fulfilled. Wealth,
property and family will increase.
But if Mercury is also placed here alongwith Mars, very adverse
results will follow regarding the
things and relations represented by Mercury e.g., sister,
sister-in-law, nurses, maid servant, parrot,
goats etc. Hence it would be better to keep away from them.
1. Place solid piece of silver in the house for prosperity.
2. Always offer sweets to daughter, sister, sister-in-law and
3. Repeatedly build a small wall and destroy it.
Mars in 8th House
The 8th house belongs to Mars and Saturn, who jointly influence the
properties of this house. No
planet is considered good in this house. Mars here affects very
adversely the younger brothers of the
native. The native sticks to commitments made by him without caring
for profit or loss.
1. Obtain blessings of widows and wear a silver chain.
2. Offer sweet loaves of bread prepared on Tandoor to dogs.
3. Take your meals in the kitchen.
4. Build a small dark room at the end of your house and do not allow
sun light to enter it.
5. Offer rice, jaggery and gram pulse at religious places of
6. Fill an earthern pot with Deshi Khand and bury it near a
cremation ground.
Mars in 9th House
This house belongs to Jupiter, a friend of Mars. Mars placed in this
house will prove good in every
manner to the native by virtue of the help and blessings of the
elders. His brothers wife proves very
fortunate for him. Generally he will have as many brothers as his
father had. Living with brothers in
a joint family will enhance all round happiness. The native will
gain a highly prestigious administrative
post upto the 28th year of his age. He may earn large profits in the
trade of goods associated
with warfare.
1. Obedience to elder brother.
2. Render services to your Bhabhi i.e., brothers wife.
3. Do not become an atheist and follow your traditional customs and
4. Offer rice, milk and jaggery at religious places of worship.
Mars in 10th House
This is the best position of Mars in a horoscope, the place of his
exaltation. If the native is born in
a poor family, his family will become rich and affluent after his
birth. If he is born in a rich family,
his family will grow richer and richer after his birth. If the
native is the eldest brother he will gain a
more distinct recognition and reputation in society. He will be
bold, courageous, healthy and competent
enough to set traditions, norms and rules in society.
However, if malefic planets Rahu, Ketu and Saturn or Venus and Moon
are placed in the 2nd house,
the aforesaid beneficial effects are reduced. Further if a friendly
planet is placed in the 3rd house, it
will also affect the results of Mars in the 10th house adversely. If
Saturn is placed in the 3rd house,
the native will gain huge wealth and large properties in the later
part of his life along with a kingly
position. Mars in the 10th house but no planet in the 5th house
provides all round prosperity and
1. Do not sell ancestral property and gold of the house.
2. Keep a pet deer in your house.
3. While boiling milk, please ensure that it should not overflow and
fall on the fire.
4. Offer help to one-eyed and childless persons.
Mars in 11th House
Mars gives good results in this house, because this house is
influenced by Jupiter and Saturn. If
Jupiter is in exalted position, Mars gives very good results. Native
is courageous and just and
usually a trader.
1. One should never sell ones ancestral property.
2. Keeping Sindoor or honey in an earthen pot will give good
Mars in 12th House
This house is inhabited by Jupiter, so now both Mars and Jupiter
will give good results. This is also
considered as the Pukka Ghar of Rahu, so now Rahu will not trouble
the native notwithstanding
its position in natives horoscope.
1. Take honey the first thing in the morning.
2. Eating sweets and offering sweets to another person will increase
the wealth of the native.
5. Mercury : Effects & Remedies
In astrological parlance Mercury has been understood as an
externally variable,
vacillating, convertible, neutral and dualistic planet. Mercury
the mentality of an individual, governs the reaction to our senses
and impressions
and rules over the central nervous system. As an intellectual planet
represents intelligence,
genius, analytic power and reproductibility.
Mercury is the smallest planet of the solar system. The author of
Lal Kitab has compared Mercury
with a bat, which keeps hanging upside down and pounces upon the
face of a child at the first
opportunity. The native fails to understand anything and meanwhile
the mysterious and mischievous
Mercury turns the cycle of fortune in the reverse gear. Mercury
produces the effects of the
planet or planets it is associated with. Mercury is considered
malefic in the 3rd, 8th, 9th and 12th
houses. Rahu gives bad results in 1, 5, 7, 8 and 11th houses. If
Mercury and Rahu both are in their
auspicious houses then Mercury causes havoc in the natives houses
and produces disastrous result
like putting the native behind the bars or creating troubles of the
same sort. Mercury is considered
auspicious in the 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and the 7th houses and gives bad
results when placed in the 3, 8, 9, 10,
11 and 12th. Its colour is green and Moon is its enemy. Sun Venus
and Rahu are friends, whereas
Mars, Saturn, and Ketu are neutral to him. 7th house is the Pukka
Ghar of Mercury. It stands
exalted in the 6th house and gets debilitated in the 12th house.
Affected Venus causes diseases of
tooth and nervous system. If Mercury is placed alone in any house
the native keeps running and
wasting time here and there.
Mercury in 1st House
Mercury in 1st house makes the native kind, humorous and diplomatic
with administrative skill.
Such a native generally lives long and becomes selfish and
mischievous by nature having special
attraction for non-vegetarian dishes and drinks. He receives favour
from the government and his
daughters have royal and luxurious lives. The relatives represented
by the house in which Sun is
placed gain wealth and riches within a little time and he himself
will be having many sources of
income. If Sun is placed along with Mercury in the 1st house or if
the Mercury is aspected by Sun
the wife of native will come from a rich and noble family and will
be good natured. Such a native
will be affected by the evil effects of Mars but Sun will never give
bad effects.
Rahu and Ketu will have evil effects, which suggests that the in
laws and the offspring of the native
will be adverse. If Mercury is in the 1st house, the native will be
adept in the art of influencing
others and he will live like a king. Malefic Mercury in the 1st
house along with Moon in the 7th
house destroy the native because of intoxication.
1. Keep away from the things of green colour and sisters in law.
2. Avoid consumption of meet, eggs and liquor.
3. Business that requires your sitting at one place would be more
beneficial than the one that
requires running around.
Mercury in 2nd House
Mercury in the 2nd house makes the native intelligent selfcentered,
destroyer of enemies and
cheats. He may be able to provide sufficient happiness to his
father. He will be rich. The things
represented by Mars and Venus will prove beneficial to him.
1. Abstain from eggs meat and liquor.
2. Association with your sisters in law is harmful.
3. Keeping sheep, goat and parrots as pets is strictly prohibited.
Mercury in 3rd House
Mercury in the 3rd house is not considered good. Mercury is inimical
to Mars. But Mars does not
have enemity with Mercury. Therefore the native could receive
benefits from his brother, but he
will not be beneficial to his brother or others. By virtue of its
aspects of 9th and 11th houses Mercury
affects the income and the condition of the father very adversely.
1. Clean your teeth with alum everyday.
2. Feed birds and donate a goat.
3. Dont live in a south facing house.
4. Distribute medicines of asthma.
Mercury in 4th House
The native in the 4th house is considered fortunate, very dear to
his mother, good trader and
receives favours from the government. However Mercury in this house
effects the income and
health of another person adversely.
1. Putting on silver chain for mental peace and golden chain for
gaining wealth and property.
2. Putting Kesar Tilak regularly for 43 days on fore -head.
3. Serving monkeys by offering jaggery.
Mercury in 5th house
Mercury in this house makes the native happy, wealthy and wise.
Spontaneous utterences from the
mouth of the native will certainly prove true.
It gives very good results if the Moon or any male planet is placed
in 3rd, 5th, 9th and 11th houses,
but if Moon and Jupiter are not placed in good houses Mercury would
provide malefic effects.
1. Wear a copper coin in white thread for obtaining riches.
2. Serving cows for the happiness of wife and good luck.
3. A Gomukhi house (narrow at the front and wider at the end) would
prove highly auspicius
where as Shermukhi house (wider at the front and narrower at the
end) would prove highly
Mercury in 6th House
Mercury becomes exalted in the 6th house. The native will be
selfmade man and will receive benefits
from agricultural land, stationery, printing press and trade. Good
or evil words from his mouth
will never go waste. North facing house will give bad results.
Daughters marriage in the north
direction will make her unhappy in every way.
1. Burying a bottle filled with Ganga water into the agricultural
2. Putting on a silver ring in the left hand of ones wife.
3. Starting any important work in the presence of a girl or
daughters, or with flowers in hand
proves auspicious.
Mercury in 7th House
In a male horoscope, Mercury in the 7th house proves highly
beneficial for others for whom the
native wishes well. In a female horoscope it produces good result.
The pen of the native wields
more power then the sword. The sister of the natives wife will prove
highly helpful in every matter.
If a Moon is placed in the 1st house, overseas journey will be
advantageous. Saturn in the 3rd house
will make the wifes family very rich.
1. Avoid any business in partnership.
2. Avoid speculation.
3. Do not keep relationship with sister in law of spoilt character.
Mercury in 8th House
Mercury gives very bad results in 8th house, but if it is placed
along with a male planet it will give
good effects of the associated planet. The native lives a hard life,
victimised by diseases and during
the age 32-34 his income goes down by half. It is more harmful if
some planet is placed in the 2nd
house. If Rahu is also placed in the same house the native may have
to go to jail, may have to be
hospitalized or may have to wander from place to place. Bad results
accrue if Mars is also placed
therein. Mercury here causes disfavour from the government and
diseases like blood disorder, eye
problem, tooth and vein troubles, as well as big loss in business.
1. Get an earthen pot filled with honey and bury it in the cremation
ground or deserted area.
2. Place milk or rain water in a container on the roof of the house.
3. Put a ring in the nose of your daughter.
Mercury in 9th House
Mercury provides very bad results in the 9th house also,because this
house belongs to Jupiter and
Mercury remains inimical to it. It causes continuous mental
restlessness and defamation of various
types. If Moon, Ketu and Jupiter are placed in 1, 3, 6, 7, 9 and
11th houses, Mercury does not give
very advantageous results.
1. Avoid the use of green colour.
2. Get yours nose pricked.
3. Offer mushroom filled in an earthen pot to a religious place.
4. Do not accept any Tabeez from any Sadhu or Faqir.
Mercury in 10th House
Mercury in the 10th house provides favour from the government. Gives
good sources of livelihood.He
manages to get his work done in every way. The business of such a
native flourishes in a Shermukhi
house, but residency in such a house gives very bad result and can
be disastrous.
1. Consumption of eggs, meat and liquor are strictly prohibited.
2. Offer rice and milk in religious places.
Mercury in 11th House
Mercury in this house gives bad results, because of enemity to
Jupiter. At the age of 34 the native
undertakes works of extreme foolishness. Here Mercury causes loss of
wealth, loss of mental peace
and loss of reputation. Even hard work is not awarded. However the
children of native will be well
educated and get married in very rich and noble families.
1. Wear copper coin in neck in a white thread or silver chain.
2. Do not keep a widowed sister or fathers sister in your house.
3. Avoid green colour and emerald.
4. Do not accept any Tabeez from a Sadhu or Faqir.
Mercury in 12th House
Mercury here destroys nights sleep of the native and causes troubles
of many sorts. He loses peace
of mind and very often suffers from headache. He has a long life but
suffers from Mercury, although,
however, if Mercury is accompanied by Saturn in this house very good
results follow.
Saturn along with Sun and Mercury in 12th house also gives good
result. Daughters, sisters, fathers
sister and niece will be unhappy as long as they are living in the
natives house. Such persons are
generally self praising and of irritable nature. If something right
or wrong goes into his mind, he
will ensure to stick to it in every manner. If such a native is fond
of taking liquor he will be of
pretentious nature. Speculation in business will prove harmful.
Marriage in the 25th year will prove
harmful for the natives wife and father.
1. Throwing new empty pitcher in a river.
2. Putting on a ring of stainless steel.
3. Putting Kesar Tilak on face, head and visiting religious places
of worship.
4. Taking advice of another person before starting any new or
important work.
6. Jupiter : Effects and Remedies
Jupiter is a fiery, noble, benevolent, masculine, expansive,
optimistic, positive and
dignified planet. Higher attributes of the mind and soul,
generosity, joy, jubilation
and joviality along with high reasoning ability and the power of
right judgement
are all governed by Jupiter. Jupiter rules educational interests,
law, religion, philosophy,
banking, economics and indicates the extent of ones love and longing
for religion, scriptures, elders and preceptors. He is also a
signification of wealth,
progress, philosophic nature, good conduct, health and children.
Jupiter represents Thursday and the yellow colour. He is regarded as
Karaka for 2nd, 5th and
9th houses. The Sun, Mars and Moon are his friends, where as Mercury
and Venus are enemies to
him. Rahu, Ketu and Saturn adopt neutrality to him. He stands
exalted in the 4th house and the
10th house is the house of his debilitation.
Jupiter provides good results if placed in houses 1, 5, 8, 9 and 12,
but 6th, 7th and the 10th are the
bad houses for him. Jupiter gives bad results when Venus or Mercury
get placed in the 10th house
of a horoscope. However, jupiter never gives bad results if placed
alone in any house. A malefic
Jupiter affects the Ketu (son) very adversely. Jupiter offers
malefic results if he is placed with
Saturn, Rahu or Ketu in a horoscope.
Jupiter in 1st House
Jupiter in the Ist house makes the native necessarily rich, even if
he is deprived of learning and
education. He will be healthy and never afraid of enemies. He will
rise every 8th year of his life
through his own efforts and with the help of friends in the
government. If the 7th house is not
occupied by any planet success and prosperity will come after the
marriage of the native. Marriage
or construction of a house with ones own earnings in the 24th or
27th year would prove
inauspicious for the longevity of the fathers life. Jupiter in Ist
house along with the Saturn in the
9th house causes health problems for the native. Jupiter in the Ist
house and Rahu in the 8th
causes the death of the natives father because of heart attack or
1. Offer the things of Mercury, Venus and Saturn to the religious
2. Serving cows and helping untouchables.
3. If Saturun is placed in the 5th house, dont build a house.
4. If Saturn is placed in the 9th house, dont buy machinery
associated with Saturn.
5. If Saturn is in 11th or 12th house, avoid use wine, meat and eggs
6. Ward-off the evil effects of Mercury by putting on silver in the
Jupiter in 2nd House
The results of this house are affected by Jupiter and Venus as if
they are together in this house,
though Venus may be placed anywhere in the chart. Venus and Jupiter
are inimical to each other.
Hence both will affect each other adversely. Consequently, if the
native engages himself in the trade
of gold or jewellery, then the things of Venus like wife, wealth and
property will get destroyed.
As long as the wife of the native is with him, the native will
continue gaining honour and wealth
despite the fact that his wife and her family may be suffering
because of ill health and other problems.
The native is admired by females and inherits the property of his
father. He may be benefited
by lottery or property of a person having no issues, if the 2nd, 6th
and 8th houses are auspicious and
Saturn is not placed in the 10th.
1. Charity and donations will ensure prosperity.
2. Offer milk to snakes for warding off the evils of Saturn placed
in the 10th.
3. Fill up the pits if any on the road side, in front of your house.
Jupiter in 3rd House
The jupiter in the 3rd house makes the native learned and rich, who
receives continuous income
from the government all through his life. Saturn in the 9th makes
the native live long, whereas if
Saturn is placed in the 2nd the native becomes extremely clever and
crafty. However Saturn is the
4th indicates that the native will be robbed of money and wealth by
his friends. If Jupiter is accompanied
by inimical planets in the 3rd the native is destroyed and becomes a
liability on his closer
1. Worship of Goddess Durga and offering sweets and fruits to small
girls and obtaining their
blessing by touching their feet. Avoid sycophants.
Jupiter in 4th House
The 4th house belongs to Moon, a friend of Jupiter, who stands
exalted in this house. Hence Jupiter
here gives very good results and provides the native the powers of
deciding the fate and fortune of
others. He will possess money, wealth and large properties along
with honour and favours from the
government. In times of crisis the native will receive divine help.
As he grows old his prosperity
and money will increase. How so ever if he has built a temple at
home Jupiter will not give the
above mentioned results and the native will have to face poverty and
disturbed married life.
1. The native should not keep a temple in his house.
2. He should serve his elders.
3. He should offer milk to snake.
4. He should never bare his body before anyone.
Jupiter in 5th House
This house belongs to Jupiter and Sun. Natives prosperity will
increase after the birth of his son. In
fact, more sons a native has, the more prosperous he will become.
5th house is the own house of
Surya and in this house Surya, Ketu and Brihaspati will give mixed
results. However if Mercury,
Venus and Rahu is in 2nd, 9th, 11th or 12th houses then Jupiter Sun
and Ketu will give bad results.
If the native is honest and laborious then Jupiter will give good
1. Do not accept any donations or gifts.
2. Offers your services to priests and sadhus.
Jupiter in 6th House
6th house belongs to Mercury and Ketu also has its effect on this
house. So this house will give
combined effects of Mercury, Jupiter and Ketu. If Jupiter is benefic
the native will be of pious
nature. He will get everything in life without asking. Donations and
offerings in the name of elders
will prove beneficial. If Jupiter is in 6th and Ketu is benefic then
native will become selfish. However,
if Ketu is malefic in 6th house and Mercury is also malefic the
native will be unlucky upto 34
years of age. Here Jupiter causes asthma to the natives father
1. Offer things connected with Jupiter in a temple.
2. Feed the cocks.
3. Offer clothes to the priest.
Jupiter in 7th House
7th house belongs to Venus, so it will give mixed results. The
native will have rise in luck after
marriage and native will be involved in religious works. The good
result of the house will depend
upon position of Moon. The native will never be a debtor and will
have good children. And if the
sun is also in 1st house the native will be a good astrologer and
lover of comforts.
However if Jupiter is malefic in 7th house and Saturn is in the 9th
the native will become a thief. If
Mercury is in the 9th then his married life will be full of
probelms. If Jupiter is malefic native will
never get support from brothers and will be deprived of favours from
the government. Jupiter in 7th
house causes differences with the father. If so one should never
donate clothes to anyone, otherwise
one will certainly get reduced to extreme poverty.
1. Offer worship to lord Shiva.
2. One should not keep idols of God in ones house.
3. Keep gold tied in a yellow cloth always with you.
4. One should stay away from yellow clad Sadhus and Faqirs.
Jupiter in 8th House
Jupiter does not give good results in this house, but one will get
all the worldly comforts. In the time
of distress, one will get help from God. Being religious will
increase natives luck. As long as the
native is wearing gold he will not be unhappy or ill. If there is
Mercury, Venus or Rahu in 2nd, 5th,
9th, 11th and 12th house, natives father will be ill and native
himself will face loss of prestige.
1. Offer things connected with Rahu, like wheat, barley, coconut
into running water.
2. Plant a Pipal tree in a cremation ground.
3. Offer Ghee and potatoes and camphor in temple.
Jupiter in 9th House
9th house is especially influenced by Jupiter. So the native will be
famous, rich and will be born in
a rich family. The native will be true to his words and will have
long life and have good children. In
case Jupiter is malefic the native will have none of these qualities
and will be atheistic. If the native
has any planet inimical to Jupiter in the 1st, 5th and 4th house
then Jupiter will give bad results.
1. One should go to temple everyday
2. Abstain from drinking alcohol.
3. Offer rice to running water.
Jupiter in 10th House
This house belongs to Saturn. So the native will have to imbibe the
qualities of Saturn only then he
will be happy. The native should be cunning and sly. Only then the
can enjoy the good results of
Jupiter. If Sun is in the 4th house Jupiter will give very good
results. Venus and Mars in the 4th
house ensure multi-marriages for the native. If friendly planets are
placed in the 2nd, 4th and 6th
houses, Jupiter provides highly beneficial results in matters of
money and wealth. A malefic Jupiter
in the 10th makes the native sad and impoverished. He is deprived of
ancestral properties, wife and
1. Clean your nose before beginning any work.
2. Throw copper coins in the running water of a river for 43 days.
3. Offer almonds to religious places.
4. A temple with idols must not be established within the house.
5. Put Tilak of saffron on the forehead.
Jupiter in 11th House
Jupiter in this house affects the things and relatives of his
enemies Mercury, Venus and Rahu very
adversely. Consequently, the wife of the native will remain
miserable. Similarly, sisters, daughters
and fathers sisters will also remain unhappy. The native will be a
debtor even if Mercury is well
placed. The native will be comfortable only as long as his father
lives with him in a joint family
along with brothers, sisters and mother.
1. Always keep gold on your body.
2. Put on a copper bangle.
3. Watering a Pipal tree would prove beneficial.
Jupiter in 12th House
The 12th house would provide the combined influences of Jupiter and
Rahu, who are inimical to
each other. If the native observes good conduct, wishes good for all
and observes religious practices
he will become happy and enjoy a comfortable sleep at night. He
would become wealthy and powerful.
Abstaining from evil acts of Saturn will make the business of
machinery, motor, trucks and
cars highly beneficial to him.
1. Avoid furnishing false evidence in any matter.
2. Render services to sadhus, Pipal Gurus and Pipal tree.
3. Place water and Saunf on the head side of your bed during nights.
7. Venus : Effects And Remedies
As a feminine planet, Venus has been regarded as the goddess of
love, marriage,
beauty and all worldly comforts. Venus represents that power of love
which leads
to the merger of two individual selves into one and rules the gentle
and refined
attributes of human life.
As a preceptor of demons, Venus stands for the husband in the
horoscope of a female and represents
the wife in the horoscope of a male. Venus offers good results if
placed alone in the birth chart. The
2nd and 7th houses are owned by Venus who gets exalted in the 12th
house. Saturn, Mercury and
Ketu are friends of Venus, whereas Sun, Moon and Rahu act as
enemies. Venus offers very good
results if posited in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 7th and 12th houses, but
the Ist, 6th and 9th houses are
considered bad for Venus. Accordingly, Venus offers very good
results in the houses of Mercury,
Saturn and Ketu, whereas evil effects will follow if posited in the
houses of Sun, Rahu and Moon.
When Rahu aspects Venus or vice versa, or when both are placed
together in a house, the good
results of Venus will be nullified and the native will get deprived
of money, wealth and family
comforts altogether. The eyes of the natives, mother will become
severely defective if Moon and
Venus are placed just opposite to each other.
Afflicted Venus causes trouble in the eyes, diseases of the ovaries,
gout, anaemia and other complications
due to over indulgence in amusements and sex, including gonorrhoea
and syphilis. An
afflicted Venus may cause vehicular accidents, faithlessness in love
and marriage and will deprive
the native of the comforts of vehicles, conveyance etc.
Venus in Ist House
Venus in Ist house makes the native highly handsome, long lived,
sweet tongued and popular
among the opposite sex. Wife of the native remains ill. Religion,
caste or creed is never a bar for
having sexual relations with anyone. Such a native is generally
highly romantic by nature and longs
for love and sex with other women. He gets married before he starts
earning his living. Such a
native becomes a leader of persons of his age group, but leadership
of the family members causes
several family troubles. Such a native earns great profits through
the trade of clothes. Such a native
is generally deprived of interest in religious pursuits. When Venus
comes in 7th house in Varsha
Phal, it causes chronic fever and blood cough.
1. Do not marry at the age of 25 years.
2. Always act accordig to the advice of others.
3. Serving a black cow.
4. Avoid sex during day time.
5. Take bath with curd.
6. Intake of cows urine is very useful.
Venus in 2nd House
Doing bad or evil towards others would prove harmful to the native.
Money, wealth and property
would continue to grow upto sixty years. Shermukhi house (wider at
the front than the rear portion)
would prove disastrous for the native. Business or trade associated
with gold and jewellery will be
extremely harmful. Business associated with earthen goods,
agriculture and animal will prove highly
beneficial. Venus in 2nd second house in a female horoscope renders
the native barren or infertile
and in a male s horoscope makes the wife incapable of producing a
1. For getting a son, intake of things associated with Mars, like
honey, Saunf or Deshi Khand will
be highly effective.
2. Feed two kgs of potatoes coloured by yellow turmeric to cows.
3. Offer two kgs. cows Ghee in a temple.
4. Avoid adultery.
Venus in 3rd House
Here Venus blesses the native with a charming personality and every
woman would get attracted to
him. He is generally loved by all.
If the native gets involved with other women he will have to live in
subservience to his wife,
otherwise his wife will always be dominated by him, though she may
be dominating everyone else
coming into contact with her. She would be courageous, supportive
and helpful to the native like
second bullock of the cart. He will be saved from deceit, theft and
harm from others. Contacts with
other women would prove harmful and affect the longevity adversely.
If planets placed in 9th and
11th houses are inimical to Venus, highly adverse results will
follow. He will have many daughters.
1. Respect your wife and never insult her.
2. Avoid flirting with other women.
Venus in 4th House
Venus in 4th house strongly establishes the possibility of two wives
and makes the native rich, too,
If Jupiter is posited in 10th house and Venus is placed in 4th, the
native will face adverse results
from all sides if he tries to be religious. Venus in 4th house
destroys the possibility of a son to the
native if he covers a well by a roof and constructs a room or house
over it. The business associated
with Mercury will also prove harmful. Saturn will give disastrous
effects if the native consumes
liqour. The business or trade associated with Mars will prove
advantageous to such a native. Venus
in 4th and Jupiter in Ist house will create frequent quarrels with
the mother-in-law.
1. Change the name of your wife and remarry her formally.
2. Throwing rice, silver and milk in the running water or feeding
Kheer or milk to mother like
women will ward off the quarrels between mother-in-law and
3. Keep the roof of the house clean and well-maintained for the
health of your wife.
4. Drop things of Jupiter, like gram, pulses and Kesar, in the
Venus in 5th House
5th house is the Pukka Ghar of the Sun, where Venus will get burnt
with the heat of the Sun.
Consequently the native is a flirt and amorous by nature. He will
face big misfortunes in life.
However, if the native maintains a good character he will steer
through the hardships of life and
obtain great riches and promotions in service after five years of
his marriage. Such a native is
generally learned and destroyer of enemies.
1. One should not marry against the wishes of his parents.
2. Serving cows and mother like women.
3. Avoid relationship will other women.
4. Natives wife should wash her private parts with curd or milk.
Venus in 6th House
This house belongs to Mercury and Ketu, who are inimical to each
other, but Venus is friendly to
both. Venus stands, debilitated in this house. However, if the
native keeps the opposite sex happy
and provides her with all the comforts, his money and wealth will
continue to grow. The wife of the
native should not get dressed like a male and should not get her
hair cut like a male, otherwise
poverty will crop up. Such a native must marry a person who has got
a brother or brothers. Further,
the native should not leave any work in the midway, i.e., before
1. Ensure that your wife puts gold clips in her hair.
2. Your spouse must not remain barefooted.
3. The private parts should be washed with red medicine.
Venus in 7th House
This house belongs to Venus, so Venus gives very good results if it
is placed in this house. The
planet of Ist house offers the effects of 7th house in such a manner
as if it is placed in 7th house
itself. If a planet inimical to Venus is placed in Ist house e.g.
Rahu, the wife and the household
affairs of the native will be adversely affected. The native spends
his money largely on women. The
native should take up the trade or business which is associated wil
marriage ceremony, like tent
house and beauty parlour. Association with one eyed and black woman
will prove useful.
1. Domestication of white cows prohibited.
2. Serving red cows.
3. Donate Jawar equal to the weight of your spouse to a temple.
4. Throwing blue flowers in a dirty canal for 43 days.
Venus in 8th House
No planet is considered benefic in this house Even Venus in this
house becomes rotten and poisonous.
The wife of such a native becomes highly irritable and short
tempered. Evil utterances from
her mouth will certainly prove to be true. The native will be
suffering from the feeling of self pity.
Taking guarantee or surety for someone will prove disastrous. If
there is no planet in 2nd house, do
not marry before 25 years of age, otherwise the wife will certainly
1. The native should not accept Daan.
2. Bowing head in the place of worship and temples.
3. Copper coin or blue flower to be thrown in gutter or dirty Nullah
continuously for ten days.
4. Wash your private parts with curd.
Venus in 9th House
Venus in this house does not offer good results. The native may have
riches, but he will get his
bread only after hard labour. His efforts are not properly rewarded.
There will be dearth of male
members, money, wealth and property. If Venus is accompanied by
Mercury or any malefic planet
the native will be a victim of intoxication and disease from
seventeen years of age.
1. In the foundation of the house silver and honey should be buried.
2. Silver bangles to be worn after putting some red colour on them.
3. Bury a silver piece under a Neem tree for 43 days.
Venus in 10th House
Venus in this house makes native greedy, suspicious and interested
in handicraft. The native would
act under the control and guidance of his spouse. As long as the
spouse is with the native all sorts of
troubles will remain warded off. If in a motor car no accident will
take place or even if it takes place
the native cannot be harmed in any manner. The business and things
associated with Saturn will
prove advantageous.
1. Washing private parts with curd.
2. Western wall of the house should be of mud.
3. Abstinence from wine and non vegetarian food.
4. At the time of illness, the native should donate a black cow.
Venus in 11th House
Venus in this house is influenced by Saturn and Jupiter, because
this house belongs to Jupiter and
Saturn. This house is aspected by 3rd house which is influened by
Mars and Mercury. Natives
wife, through her brothers, will prove very beneficial.
1. Remedies of Mercury will be useful.
2. Oil to be given on Saturday.
3. The native usually suffers from low sperm count in his semen.
Native should drink milk in
which hot piece of gold has been dipped.
Venus in 12th House
Exalted Venus gives very beneficial results in this house. The
native will have a wife, who will act
as a shield in the time of trouble. Taking help from women will
prove highly advantageous for the
native, who receives all favours from the government.
Venus being inimical to Jupiter causes health problems to the wife.
Mercury in 2nd or 6th houses
makes the native diseased, but bestows literary and poetic talent to
the native. Such a native gains
high spiritual powers at the age of 59 and generally lives up to
about 96 years.
1. Blue flowers to be buried by the wife at the time of sunset, for
good health.
2. The wife will act as a defence wall for the husband, if she gives
things in charity to people.
3. Domesticating and giving cows in charity.
4. Offer love, respect and honour to your wife.
8. Saturn : Effects And Remedies
As the slowest moving planet and the chief significator for
longevity, Saturn is a
barren, binding, cold, dry, hard, defensive and secretive planet.
Its effects and
influences are felt with greater intensity and for longer periods
than any other
planet. Saturn is considered to be very favourable for people born
in the signs
owned by Venus, whereas Saturn is evil to those born in the signs
owned by Mercury.
The astrological thesis of Lal Kitab describes Saturn as a serpent,
whose head or mouth is Rahu and
Ketu is its tail. If Ketu is posited in earlier houses than Saturn,
the latter becomes a great benefic for
the native. However, if the position is otherwise, the Saturn throws
highest poisonous results on the
native. Further, Saturn never gives malefic effects if posited in
houses of Jupiter i.e. 2, 5, 9 or 12,
whereas Jupiter provides bad results if posited in the house of
Saturn is considered good in houses 2nd , 3rd and 7th to 12th,
whereas 1st, 4th, 5th and 6th houses
are bad for Saturn. Sun, Moon and Mars are its enemies, Venus,
Mercury and Rahu are friends and
Jupiter and Ketu are neutral to it. Saturn gets exalted in 7th house
and the 1st house is the house of
its debilitation. Venus and Jupiter placed together act like Saturn
in that house. Similarly Mars and
Mercury placed in a single house act like Saturn in that house. In
the former case Saturn behaves
like Ketu, while in the latter case it behaves like Rahu.
Venus gets destroyed if Saturn is being aspected by the Sun in any
horoscope. The aspect of Venus
on Saturn causes loss of money and wealth, but the aspect of Saturn
on Venus proves highly beneficial.
Collision of Saturn and Moon causes operation of the eyes of the
native. Saturn gives good
results if posited in house earlier than Sun.
Saturn can never give malefic results if posited with Sun or Jupiter
in a single house, but highly
adverse results would follow if posited with Moon or Mars in any
house. Saturn releases its poisonous
results on the sign and Mars, if it is posited in 1st house, on Mars
only if posited in 3rd
house, on Moon if posited in 4th house, on Sun if posited in 5th
house, and on Mars in posited in
3rd house. Saturn in 3rd house deprives the native of the
accumulation of cash money and kills the
children of the native when posited in 5th house and 10th house is
empty. It becomes highly benefic
in 12th house if friendly planets are posited in 2nd house. Saturn
provides very good results if
placed in houses 1 to 7 on the condition that 10th house is empty.
Saturn in 1st house and Sun in 7th,
10th or 11th houses causes all sorts of troubles for natives wife.
Combination of Mars and Saturn
gives adverse results al through.
Saturn in Ist House
1st house is influenced by Sun and Mars. Saturn in 1st house will
give good results only when 3rd,
7th or 10th houses are not inhabited by any planet which is inimical
to Saturn. If Mercury or Venus,
Rahu or Ketu is in 7th house, Saturn will always give good results .
In case Saturn is malefic and the
native has a hairy body, the native will remain poor. If native
celebrates his birthday it will give very
bad results However the native will have a long life.
1 Abstinence from alcohol and non-vegetarian meals.
2. Burying Surma in the ground will be beneficial for promotion in
service and business.
3. Serving monkey will lead to prosperity.
4. Offering sweet milk to the roots of a banyan tree will give good
results as regards education and
Saturn in 2nd House
The native will be wise, kind and just. He will enjoy wealth and
will be of religious temperament.
However, whether Saturn is benefic or malefic in this house, it will
be decided by the planets placed
in 8th house. The state of finance of the native will be decided by
7th house, the number of male
members in the family by 6th house and age by 8th house. When Saturn
is malefic in this house,
after the natives marriage his in laws will face problems.
1. Going barefoot to temple for forty three days.
2. Putting a Tilak of curd or milk on the forehead.
3. Offering milk to snake.
Saturn in 3rd House
In this house Saturn gives good results. This house is the Pukka
Ghar of Mars. When Ketu aspects
this house or is placed here Saturn will give very good results. The
native will be healthy, wise and
very intuitive. If the native is wealthy he will have few male
members in the family and vice versa.
As long as the native abstains from wine and non-vegetarianism, he
will enjoy a long and healthy
1. Serve three dogs.
2. Distributing medicines for eyes free.
3. Keeping a dark room in the house will prove highly beneficial.
Saturn in 4th House
This house belongs to Moon. So it will give mixed results in this
house. The native will be devoted
to his parents and will be of loving nature. Whenever the native is
suffering from bad health, the use
of things associated with Saturn will give good results. In natives
family some one will be associated
with medical profession.
When Saturn is malefic in this house drinking wine, killing of
snakes and laying the foundation of
the house at night will give very bad results. Drinking milk in the
night will also give bad results.
1. Offering milk to snake and offering milk or rice to crow or
2. Pouring milk in the well.
3. Pouring rum in running water
Saturn in 5th House
This house belongs to Sun, which is inimical to Saturn. The native
will be proud. He should not
construct a house till 48 years, otherwise his son will suffer. He
should live in the house bought or
constructed by his son. He should keep articles of Jupiter and Mars
in his ancestral house for
welfare of his children. If the native has hairy body, he will be
1. Distributing salty things while celebrating sons birthday.
2. Offering almonds in the temple and bringing and keeping half of
it in the house.
Saturn in 6th House
If the work related to Saturn is done at night it will always give
beneficial results. When marriage
takes place after 28 years it will produce good results. When Ketu
is well placed the native will
enjoy wealth, profitable journey and happiness from children. When
Saturn is malefic bringing
things associated with Saturn, like leather and things of iron, will
give bad results, especially when
Saturn is in 6th house in Varshaphal
1. Serving a black dog and offering meals to it.
2. Offering coconut and almonds in the running water.
3. Serving snakes will prove advantageous for the welfare of
Saturn in 7th House
This house is influenced by Mercury and Venus, both friends of
Saturn. So this planet gives very
good results in this house. The professions associated with Saturn,
like machinery and iron, will be
very profitable. If the native maintains good relation with his
wife, he will be rich and prosperous,
will enjoy a long life and good health. If Jupiter is in 1st house,
there will be gain from government.
Saturn becomes malefic if the native commits adultery and drinks
wine. If the native gets married
after 22 years his eyesight will be affected adversely.
1. Bury a flute filled with sugar in a deserted place.
2. Serving black cow.
Saturn in 8th House
In 8th house no planet is considered auspicious. The native has a
long life, but his fathers life span
is short and natives brothers turn out to be his foes. This house is
considered headquarter of Saturn,
but it will give bad result if Mercury, Rahu and Ketu are malefic in
the natives horoscope.
1. Keeping a square piece of silver.
2. Putting milk in water and sitting on a stone or wood while taking
Saturn in 9th House
Native will have three houses. He will be a successful tour operator
or civil engineer. He will enjoy
a long and happy life and parents also will have a happy life.
Maintaining three generations will
protect from the bad effects of Saturn. If the native is helpful to
others Saturn will always give good
results. The native will have a son, though he will be born late.
1. Offering rice or almonds in running water.
2. Work associated with Jupiter-gold, Kiesar and Moon (silver cloth)
will give good results.
Saturn in 10th House
This is Saturns own house, where it will give good results. The
native will enjoy wealth and
property as long as he does not get a house constructed. Native will
be ambitious and enjoy favours
from government. The native should behave with shrewdness and should
do his work while sitting
at one place. Only then he will enjoy the benefits of Saturn.
1. Going to temple.
2. Abstinence from meat, wine and eggs.
3. Offering food to ten blind people.
Saturn in 11th House
Natives fate will be decided at the age of forty eight years. The
native will never remain childless.
Native will earn money by shrewdness and deceit. Saturn will give
good or bad results according
to the position of Rahu and Ketu
1. Before going for an important work place a vessel filled with
water and drop oil or wine on
earth for forty three days.
2. Abstinence from drinking and maintaing good moral character.
Saturn in 12th House
Saturn gives good results in this house. Native will not have
enemies. He will have many houses.
His family and business will increase. He will be very rich. However
Saturn will become malefic
if the native starts drinking wine and becomes non- vegetarian, or
if the dark room in the house is
1. Tying twelve almonds in a black cloth and placing it in a iron
pot and keeping it in a dark room
will give good results.
9. Rahu:Effects And Remedies
Unlike other planets of the solar system Rahu and Ketu are not
substantial heavenly bodies, with shape or mass content. Rightly
termed as
shadowy planets, their movement is interrelated and as parts of one
body they
are at all times just opposite to each other . Greater significance
has been
attached to the role of Rahu in influencing human affairs in various
especially in Kaliyug.
The author of Lal Kitab describes Saturn as a serpent and Rahu and
Ketu as its head and tail
respectively. As a node of Moon, Rahu shall not provide adverse
results so long as 4th house or
Moon is not afflicted. He gives good results when Mars occupies
houses 3 and 12, or when Sun and
Mercury are in house 3, or when he himself is posited in 4th house.
Rahu further provides good
results if placed together with Mercury or aspected by him.
Rahu offers highly beneficial effects if placed in houses earlier
than Saturn. But if it is otherwise,
Saturn becomes stronger and Rahu acts as his agent. Sun provides
very good results when Rahu is
aspected by Saturn, but Rahu gives the effects of a debilitated
planet when Saturn is aspected by
Rahu gets exalted in houses 3 and 6, whereas he gets debilitated in
houses 8, 9 and 11. 12th house
is his Pakka Ghar and he proves highly auspicious in houses 3,4 and
6. Saturn, Mercury and Ketu
are his friends, whereas Sun, Mars and Venus are his enemies.
Jupiter and Moon are neutral to him.
If Sun and Venus are placed together in a horoscope, Rahu will
generally provide adverse results.
Similarly, Rahu will provide bad results if Saturn and Sun are also
combined in a horoscope. Here
Mars will also become Mars negative. If Ketu is placed in houses
earlier than Rahu, Rahu will
provide adverse results, whereas Ketus effect would be zeroed.
Rahu in 1st House
1st house is influenced by Mars and Sun, which is like a throne. The
planet in 1st house is considered
to be the king of all planets.
The native will achieve a position higher than indicated by his
qualification and will obtain good results from government.
Rahu in this house would give the result of exalted Sun, but it will
spoil the fruits of the house
in which Sun is placed. If Mars, Saturn and Ketu are weak only then
Rahu would give bad results,
otherwise it will give good results in 1st house. If Rahu is malefic
the native should never take any
electric equipments or blue/black clothes from his in-laws, else his
son could be affected adversely.
Its malefic result too could last till the age of 42 years.
1. Offer 400 gm lead in running water .
2. Wear silver in the neck.
3. Mix barley in milk in ratio of 1:4 and offer in running water .
4. Offer coconut in running water.
Rahu in 2nd House
If Rahu is in benefic form in 2nd house one gets money, prestige and
lives like a king. He will have
a long life.
2nd house is influenced by Jupiter and Venus .
If Jupiter is benefic then the native will live the early years of
his life in wealth and comfort.
If Rahu is malefic the native will be poor and have a bad family
life, suffer from intestinal disorders.
The native is killed by a weapon and is unable to save money.
In the 10th, 21st to 42nd years of his life, he loses wealth by
theft etc.
1. Keep a solid silver ball in the pocket.
2. Wear things associated with Jupiter, like gold, yellow cloth,
saffron etc.
3. Keep cordial relations with ones mother.
4. After marriage do not take any electric equipment from in-laws.
Rahu in 3rd House
It is the Pukka Ghar of Rahu. 3rd house belongs to Mercury and is
influenced by Mars. When
Rahu is benefic the native will enjoy great wealth and a long life.
He will be fearless and a loyal
friend. He would be a clairvoyant for seeing future in his dreams.
He will never be issueless. He
will be victorious over his enemies; can never be a debtor. He would
leave behind property. 22nd
year of his life would be of progress. However if Rahu is malefic in
3rd house then his brothers and
relatives would waste his money. His money once borrowed would never
be returned. He would
have defective speech and would be an atheist. If Sun and Mercury
are also there (in 3rd house)
with Rahu then his sister would become a widow in 22nd or 32nd year
of his life.
1. Never keep ivory or things of ivory in the house.
Rahu in 4th House
This house belongs to Moon, which is an enemy of Rahu. When Rahu is
benefic in this house the
native would be intelligent, wealthy and will spend money on good
things. Going on pilgrimage
would be beneficial for him. If Venus is also benefic then after
marriage the natives in-laws could
also become rich and the native would also benefit from them.
When Moon is exalted the native would become very rich and would
benefit from the works or
relatives associated with Mercury. If Rahu is malefic and the Moon
is also weak then the native will
suffer from poverty and natives mother would also suffer. Collecting
char coal, altering toilet,
installing oven in the ground and alteration of the roof in the
house would be indicative of malefic.
1. Wear silver.
2. Offer 400 gm coriander or almonds, or both in flowing water.
Rahu in 5th House
5th house belongs to Sun, which signifies male offspring. If Rahu is
benefic native will be rich,
wise, enjoy good health. He would enjoy good income and good
progress. The native would be a
devout or philosopher.
If Rahu is malefic it leads to abortions.
After the birth of a son, wifes health will suffer for twelve years.
If Jupiter is also in 5th house
father of native will be in trouble.
1. Keep an elephant made of silver.
2. Abstain from wine, non-vegetarianism and adultery.
3. Remarry your wife.
Rahu in 6th House (Exalted)
This house is influenced by Mercury or Ketu. Here Rahu is exalted
and gives very good results. The
native will be free of all botherations or troubles. The native will
spend money on clothes. The
native will be intelligent and victorious.
When Rahu is malefic he will harm his brothers or friends.
When Mercury or Mars is in 12th house Rahu gives bad result. The
native suffers from various
ailments or loss of wealth. Sneezing while going to work would give
bad results.
1. Keep a black dog.
2. Keep a lead nail in your pocket.
3. Never harm ones brothers/sisters.
Rahu in 7th House
Native will be rich, but wife would suffer. He would be victorious
over his enemies.
If the marriage takes place before twenty one years, it would be
inauspicious. He would have good
relations with the government. But if he engages in business
connected with Rahu, like electrical
equipments, then he will have losses. Native would suffer from head
ache and if Mercury, Venus
or Ketu is in 11th house, then sister, wife or son would destroy the
1. Never marry before 21st year of age.
2. Offer six coconuts in river.
Rahu in 8th House
8th house is concerned with Saturn and Mars. So Rahu in this house
gives malefic effect. The
native would spend money uselessly on court cases. Family life would
be adversely affected. If
Mars is benefic and is placed in 1st or 8th house or Saturn
(benefic) is placed in 8th house, the
native will be very rich.
1. Keep a square piece of silver.
2. While sleeping Saunf should be keep under the pillow.
3. Do not work in electricity or power department.
Rahu in 9th House
9th house is influenced by Jupiter. If the native has good relation
with ones brothers and sisters it is
fruitful; else it would adversely affect the native. If the native
is not religious minded then his
progeny would be useless for him. Professions influenced by Saturn
would be profitable.
If Jupiter is in 5th or 11th house then it is useless. If Rahu is
inauspicious in 9th house then chances of begetting a son
are less, specially if native files court cases against ones blood
relation. Rahu is in 9th and 1st house is empty thenhealth
could be adversely affected and one gets insulted and mental
problems, specially from olders.
1. Use Tilak of saffron daily.
2. Wear gold.
3. Always keep a dog (it saves ones progeny).
4. Have good relations with your in-laws.
Rahu in 10th House
Keeping ones head uncovered gives the effect of a debilitated Rahu
in 10th house. The good or bad
result of Rahu would depend upon Saturns position. If Saturn is
auspicious then native would be
brave, long lived and rich and get respect from all quarters. If
Rahu in 10th house is with Moon it
gives Raja Yoga. The native is lucky for ones father.
If Rahu in 10th house is malefic then it would adversely affect ones
mother or natives health would
also be bad.
If Moon is alone in 4th house then natives eyes are adversely
affected. He suffers from headaches
and there is loss of wealth, because of a dark complexioned person .
1. Use blue or black cap.
2. Cover ones head.
3. Offer 4kg. or 400 gms of Khand in a temple, or in flowing water.
4. Feed blind people.
Rahu in 11th House
11th house is influenced by both Saturn and Jupiter. Native could be
rich as long as his father is
alive. Alternatively, establishing things of Jupiter would help.
Native has wicked friends. He gets
money from mean people. After the death of ones father he should
wear gold in the neck. If Mars is
malefic for a native with Rahu in 11th at time of his birth, there
is every thing in his house, but every
thing gets destroyed later.
If Rahu in 11th house is malefic then the native has bad relations
with his father or he may even kill
Planet in 2nd house would act as enemy. If Jupiter/Saturn are in 3rd
or 11th house then wear iron on
the body and drink water in a silver glass.
If Ketu is in 5th house then Ketu gives bad results. There may be
diseases of ear, spine, urinary
problems etc. There may be losses associated with business concerned
with Ketu.
1. Wear iron. Use silver glass for drinking water.
2. Never take any electric equipment as a gift.
3. Do not keep blue sapphire, ivory or toys in the shape of an
Rahu in 12th House
12th house belongs to Jupiter. It signifies bedroom.
Rahu here gives mental troubles, insomnia. It also leads to
excessive expenditure on sisters and
If Rahu is with its enemies then it becomes next to impossible to
make ends meet, despite hard
labour. It also leads to false allegations. One may even go to the
extreme of contemplating suicide.
One has mental worries.
Telling lies, deceiving others etc. may make Rahu even more malefic.
If some body sneezes at the
start of any new work if gives malefic effect. There may be theft,
diseases or false allegations.
If Mars is with Rahu here, then it gives good results.
1. Take your meals in the kitchen itself.
2. Keep Saunf and Khand under the pillow for good nights sleep.
10. Ketu : Effects And Remedies
Ketu, according to the author of Lal Kitab, represents son,
grandson, ear,
spine etc. 6th house is considered to be its Pucca Ghar. It gives
its exalted
effect when in 5th, 9th or 12th house and its debilitated effect in
6th and 8th
house. Dawn is its time and it represents Sunday.
Ketu represents the opposite node of Ketu, in the tail of the
serpent. Its colours are black and white.
Venus and Rahu are its friends, whereas Moon and Mars are its
enemies .
Forty two years is the age of Ketu. Ketu is also considered to be
the bed. So the bed given by in-laws
after marriage is considered to be auspicious for the birth of a son
and as long as that bed is in the
house, the effect of Ketu can never be inauspicious.
Ketu in 1st House
If Ketu is auspicious or benefic in this house, the native will be
laborious, rich and happy, but will
always be concerned and troubled because of his progeny. He may fear
frequent transfers or travels,
but ultimately it would always be postponed.
Whenever Ketu comes in 1st house in Varsha Kundli there may be birth
of a son or nephew. There
may also be a long journey. The native with Ketu in 1st house will
always be beneficial for his
father and/or Guru and causes exaltation of Sun.
If Ketu in 1st house is malefic, the native would suffer from
headache. His wife would have health
problems and would have worries concerning kids. If 2nd and 7th
houses are empty then Mercury
and Venus would also give bad results. There would be travels,
transfers with no gain. If Saturn is
malefic it would destroy father and Guru.
If Sun is in 7th or 8th house then after the birth of a grandson the
health would suffer. No alms
should be given in morning and evening.
1. Feed jaggery (Gur) to monkeys.
2. Apply saffron as Tilak.
3. If offspring is troubled then donate a black and white blanket to
Ketu in 2nd House
2nd house is affected by Moon, which is an enemy of Ketu.
If Ketu in 2nd house is benefic then one gets paternal property. One
has to travel a lot and his travels
are fruitful. Venus gives good results, irrespective of its
position. Moon would give bad results. If
Sun is in 12th house then one starts earning his livelihood after
twenty four years and is happy. If
Jupiter is exalted along with Ketu in 2nd house, then income would
be in lacs of rupees.
If Ketu in 2nd house is malefic, then one has to travel to dry
areas. One cannot rest at one place and
would be wandering from place to place. Income may be good, but so
would be the expenditure.
Thus net gain would be negligible. If there is Moon or Mars in 8th
house then natives life would
be short and he would have serious problem at the age of sixteen or
twenty years.
If 8th house is empty then Ketu would give malefic results.
1. Apply turmeric or saffron as Tilak.
2. One should not be of loose character.
3. If one religiously visits temples and bows his head there then
Ketu in 2nd house would give
good results.
Ketu in 3rd House
3rd house is affected by Mercury and Mars, both enemies of Ketu.
Number 3 would have an important
role in the life of the native.
If Ketu in 3rd house is benefic then his children would be good. The
native would be God fearing
and a gentleman. If Ketu is in 3rd house and Mars is in 12th then
the native has a son before 24th
year of age. The son would be good for wealth and longevity of the
The native with Ketu in 3rd house usually gets a job, which entails
long travels.
If Ketu in 3rd house is malefic then native loses money in
litigation. He gets separated from his
wife/sisters-in-law. If such a native lives in a house with its main
gate facing south, he will have
serious problems regarding children.
Such a native cannot say no to any thing and so will always have
worries. He will have troubles
from his brothers and will have to travel uselessly.
1. Use saffron as Tilak.
2. Wear gold.
3. Offer jaggery, rice in flowing water.
Ketu in 4th house
4th house belongs to Moon, which is an enemy of Ketu. If Ketu is
benefic in 4th house then the
native is God fearing and lucky for his father and Guru. Son is born
to such a native only after
getting the blessings of ones Guru. The son born lives long. Such a
native leaves all his decisions
to God.
If Moon is in 3rd or 4th house the result is benefic. Such a native
is a good adviser and will never
have shortage of money. If Ketu is malefic in this house then the
native is unhealthy, his mother is
troubled, there is loss of happiness. One may suffer from diabetes.
A son is born after thirty six
years of age. Such a native has more daughters than sons.
1. Keep a dog.
2. Wear silver for peace of mind.
3. Offer yellow things in flowing water.
Ketu in 5th House
5th house belongs to Sun. It is also affected by Jupiter. If
Jupiter, Sun or Moon is in 4th, 6th or 12th
house then ones financial condition will be excellent and the native
will have five sons. Ketu
becomes benefic by itself after twenty four years of age.
If Ketu in 5th house is malefic then the native suffers from asthma.
Ketu gives malefic results till
five years of age. Sons will not survive. Livelihood starts after
twenty four years of age. The native
is unlucky for ones sons.
1. Donate milk and sugar.
2. The remedies of Jupiter would be useful.
Ketu in 6th House
6th house belongs to Mercury. Ketu in 6th house is considered
debilitated. This is Pucca house of
Ketu. Here again the effect of Ketu depends upon the nature of
Jupiter. It gives good result regarding
son. The native is a good adviser.
If Jupiter is benefic then the native has a long life and his mother
is happy and the life is peaceful.
If any two of the male planets viz Sun, Jupiter, Mars are in good
position then Ketu is benefic.
If Ketu is malefic in 6th house then maternal uncle suffers . The
native has to suffer due to useless
travels. People turn into enemies without any reason. The native
suffers from skin diseases. If
Moon is in 2nd house then mother suffers and even the natives old
age is troubled.
1. Wear golden ring in the finger of left hand.
2. Drink milk with saffron and wear gold in the ear.
3. Heat up a rod of gold and then dip it in milk. Then drink it. It
would restore mental peace,
increase longevity and is good for sons.
4. Keep a dog.
Ketu in 7th House
7th house belongs to Mercury and Venus . If Ketu in 7th house is
benefic then the native gets the
wealth of forty years in twenty four years of age. The wealth
increases in proportion to the children
one has.
The natives enemies are frightened of the native.
If one has the help of Mercury, Jupiter or Venus then the native is
never disappointed.
If Ketu in 7th house is malefic then the native is usually ill,
makes false promises and is troubled
by enemies till thirty four years of age. If there are more than one
planet in Lagna then ones children
are destroyed. If one abuses then the native is destroyed.
If Ketu is with Mercury then after thirty four years of age the
natives enemies are destroyed by
1. Never make a false promise, be proud, or abusive.
2. Use saffron as Tilak.
3. In case of serious trouble use the remedies of Jupiter.
Ketu in 8th house
8th house belongs to Mars, which is an enemy of Ketu. If Ketu in 8th
house is benefic then the
native begets a son at thirty four years of age, or after the
marriage of ones sister or daughter.
If Jupiter or Mars are not in 6th and 12th house then Ketu does not
give malefic results. Similar
effect is there when Moon is in 2nd house.
If Ketu in 8th house is malefic then the natives wife has ill
health. Son will not be born, or may die.
The native may suffer from diabetes or urinary problem.
If Saturn or Mars are in 7th then the native is unlucky.
In case of malefic Ketu in 8th house the natives character
determines the health of his wife.
After twenty six years of age the family life suffers.
1. Keep a dog.
2. Donate a black and white blanket in any temple.
3. Worship Lord Ganesha.
4. Wear gold in the ear.
5. Use saffron as Tilak.
Ketu in 9th House
9th house belongs to Jupiter, which favours Ketu. Ketu in 9th house
is considered to be exalted.
Such a native is obedient and lucky. It increases ones wealth.
If Ketu is benefic then one earns wealth through ones own labour.
There will be progress but no
If one keeps gold brick in his house then wealth comes.
The son of such a native is able to guess the future.
One spends a big part of his life in foreign land .
One has at least three sons and if 2nd house is auspicious then Ketu
gives excellent results .
If Moon is auspicious then the native helps his mothers family.
If Ketu in 9th house is malefic then the native suffers from urinary
problems, pain in back, problem
in legs.
The natives sons keep on dying.
1. Keep a dog.
2. Establish a rectangular piece of gold anywhere in the house.
3. Wear gold in the ear.
4. Respect elders, specially father- in- law.
Ketu in 10th house.
10th house belongs to Saturn. The effect of Ketu here depends upon
the nature of Saturn. If Ketu is
benefic here then the native is lucky, concerned about himself and
opportunist. His father dies early.
If Saturn is in 6th then one is a famous player.
If one keeps on forgiving his brothers for their misdeeds the native
will go on progressing. If the
character of native is good then he earns a lot of wealth.
If Ketu in 10th house is malefic then one suffers from urinary and
ear problems. The native has
pain in bones.
The domestic life is full of worries and troubled if Saturn is in
4th house. Three sons would die.
1. Keep silver pot full of honey in the house.
2. Keep a dog, specially after forty eight years of age.
3. Avoid adultery.
4. Use the remedies of Moon and Jupiter.
Ketu in 11th House
Here Ketu is considered very good. It gives wealth. This house is
affected by Jupiter and Saturn.
If Ketu is benefic here and Saturn is in 3rd house, it gives
enormous wealth. The wealth earned by
the native is more than his paternal wealth, but one tends to worry
about his future.
If Mercury is in 3rd it leads to Raj Yoga.
If Ketu is malefic here then the native has problem in his abdomen.
The more he worries about
future, more troubled he is. Grandmother or mother of the native
suffers, if Saturn is also malefic.
Then there would be no benefit from son or house.
1. Keep black dog.
2. Wear an onyx or emerald.
Ketu in 12th House
Here Ketu is considered to be exalted. The native is wealthy,
achieves a big position and spends on
good works.
If Rahu is in 6th house, along with Mercury, then the effect is even
better. One has all the benefits
and luxuries of life.
If Ketu in 12th house is malefic then one buys land from an
issueless person and the native becomes
issueless himself.
If one kills dogs Ketu gives malefic results.
If 2nd house has Moon, Venus or Mars, Ketu gives malefic results.
1. Worship Lord Ganesha.
2. Do not have a loose character.
3. Keep a dog.
11. Striking Principles and Precautions
The author of Lal Kitab has enunciated such significant principles
of astrology
that stand well tested today and as such they are of utmost
importance in
our day to day life. In view of this, an effort is being made here
to describe
some unfailing principles and astrological precautions for the
benefit of people
at large.
Residential Houses
To begin with, no temple with idols should be constructed even for
individual worship in a residential
house. However, keeping photos or drawings of deities on paper is
not prohibited. This is highly
inauspicious for the natives born with Jupiter in 7th house.
If there is a small dark room at the end of the house, where there
is no passage for air or light, the
same should be left as it is and no attempt should be made to
facilitate natural light through opening
windows etc. in that room; otherwise, misfortunes will strike the
Places where ornaments or money is kept secretly must not be left
empty. If there is nothing to be
kept, please put some dry fruits there.
There must necessarily be some uncemented place in a house. But if
it is not feasible, the articles
related to Venus must be installed and established therein.
Safe Delivery and Longevity of Children
Worship of lord Ganesh is highly auspicious for children and
For safe delivery of children, a milk pot filled with milk and a
sugar pot filled with sugar must be
touched by the delivering mother and kept at some different place.
After the delivery both the pots
should be offered to some temple and should not be brought back from
there. Good effects will
multiply if the quality of the pots is good.
If ones children do not survive the native must distribute salty
preparations in place of sweets, to
celebrate the birth of the child.
Alms and Charity
Digging of wells or providing drinking water facilities for public
is strictly prohibited for those
with Moon in 6th house of the birth chart. Any violation of the
above would invite utter destruction
and extreme poverty.
Building of Dharmshalas, Sarais or inns is strictly
prohibited for those having Saturn in 8th house.
Saturn in Lagna and Jupiter in 5th house cause death of children one
after the other, if copper
coins are given in charity.
Jupiter in 10th and Moon in 4th cause false allegations and critical
legal proceedings against the
native if he builds temples or Gurudwaras.
Financial aid to widows and scholarships to poor children are
strictly prohibited for those having
Venus in 9th house.
Grave consequences would folllow if a native with Moon in 12th house
opens schools for free
education, or offers food to religious saints and Jogins.
Anyone having Jupiter in 7th house must not offer clothes to anyone
in charity
Donations in the morning and evening hours by persons having Sun in
7th or 8th house of their
horoscope will produce highly harmful and poisonous effects.
The younger brother should never go for adoption of children of the
elder brother. At the same time
he should also not arrange the free marriage of the daughter of his
elder brother. These practices
would certainly lead to disastrous consequences.
Selection of Bridegrooms
Saturn in 11th house makes the native desert his wife and children
in young age, whereas Saturn
in the boys 2nd house proves inauspicious for the brides family.
Mercury and Rahu combining in houses 3, 8, 9, or 12 of the groom is
also inauspicious for the
brides family.
Venus and Ketu together in Lagna make the native impotent.
The groom is likely to be of bad sexual habits and may destroy his
wealth in that, if the planetary
positions are as follows :
(a) Sun in 6th and Mars in 10th with the afflicted 12th house.
(b) Moon in Lagna and Jupiter in 11th house .
(c) Jupiter and Venus in 10th house.
Remedies Applicabale to All.
Sweet loaves of bread, specially baked in Tandoor, should be offered
to animals every month for
warding off sickness, quarrels and other troubles, caused by Mars
negative in the horoscope.
Place a pot of water under the headside of the bed at night and pour
it on a tree or plant in the
Taking meals in the kitchen is a strong safeguard against the
mischiefs of Rahu.
From ones own meal a Chapati or a piece of it must be offered to
cows, crows and dogs for
allround well being and prosperity.
Further, we all believe that going to a temple for offering prayer
is always a good thing, which must
be admired and encouraged. But according to Lal Kitab, the native
having a malefic planet, especially
Saturn in 8th house, when 2nd house is empty, must not visit temples
or other places of
worship. Rather he should bow his head from outside. Similarly, if
planets occupying 6th, 8th and
12th houses are inimical to each other and 2nd house is not occupied
by any planet, the native must
avoid visiting temples and other religious places of worship.
The most striking thing about Lal Kitab is that it enshrines due
admiration for Vedic culture and
philosophy of the Hindus. Living in a joint family has been
suggested as a powerful remedial
measure and if for some reason this is not possible the native
should sleep on the bed sheet which
was used by his father. In other cases the native has been asked to
obtain the blessings of parents
and elders etc. as an amulet against the evil. It is worth pointing
out that such simple and innocent
remedies have worked wonders in tested cases.