There is a lot more to astrology than the star sign predictions you
see in magazines and papers.
According to Hindu mythology, the knowledge of Astrology, Yoga and
various other ancient skills was handed down by the Gods to the
Sages of the time.
The basis of astrology is that the behaviour of man is affected by
the planets, i.e. the Sun, Moon, Mercury Mars etc, and when a person
is born, the position of the planets at the time of birth has
fundamental impact on the person’s life.
The key to astrology is the astrological chart or the horoscope.
Each person has their own chart based on the time and location of
their birth. Even a difference of 5 minutes can result in different
charts, and also people born at the same time but in different
countries can have different charts.
It is the astrological chart that is used for making predictions
about a person. The chart consists of 12 houses, each representing
an area of life, for example the 10th house represents a person’s
career. Hence predictions can be made about different areas of a
person’s life like career, marriage, windfalls, health etc by
inspecting the planets within each of the corresponding houses on
the chart.
Now you may be asking how the predictions can be made. Well as
mentioned earlier, it all depends on how the planets were positioned
when you were born. Based on the positioning, different planets will
exist in different houses causing different effects which could
either be good or bad for the house in question. So for instance you
could have the Sun and Mars placed in your 10th house which is your
career house. This positioning could mean that you will have a high
flying career or it could mean that you will have a really bad
career. Also because the planets are constantly moving in and out of
the houses, your career could go through highs and lows in your
lifetime. Similarly the positioning of the planets in all the other
houses will influence other areas of your life.
Now the actual interpretation of the astrological chart varies, i.e.
if a planet is in a certain house at a certain time, different
people may give different interpretations, for instance one person
may say something is bad and someone else may say the same thing is
really bad. But you have to bear in mind that astrology is not an
exact science, and astrological interpretation should be taken more
as probability guide rather than as a surety. For example if you
have good planet positioning in your 10th house then there is a
probability that you will have a good career, not a surety.
Now you may think that the above is all a pile of cobblers, and that
there is no value in astrology. But think again. The basis of
astrology is how planets affect you. Now the planets affect the
tides, and a human being is made up of a lot of water which could be
influenced by the planets in the same way that the tides are.
Hence the planets could be affecting a persons personality (mood and
behaviour) causing the person to respond in certain ways and hence
influencing the outcomes of various events. Again remember, it is
not being said that astrology is giving you a precise prediction for
the future, but that astrology is providing possibilities for future
outcomes, depending on a person’s behaviour which could be
influenced by the position of the planets.
Ending on another interesting point, a person born in a particular
month may not be the star sign that they think they should be
according to general media. For example some one born on the 30th
March who according to common understanding should be an Aries, may
actually not be an Aries. Again depending on the astrological chart,
they may be classified as some other star sign, maybe a Leo or
Gemini or some other sign. So you may actually not be the star sign
you think you are.